
A list of scholarship opportunities to which our office devotes significant attention and for which Colgate has formalized application processes.

Many of the opportunities on this page require the student to be nominated by Colgate. 

There are numerous awards open to underclassmen and those looking for post-baccalaureate experiences. It is possible, and often desirable, to apply for multiple scholarships during your college years and beyond.

Click any individual opportunity to see information about its requirements, deadlines, and benefits, including a link to the foundation website.

Advising on the Application Process

Getting carefully considered and comprehensive advising is very important when deciding which of these opportunities are a good fit for you and your interests, so please be sure to contact the Office of National Fellowships and Scholarships to start the conversation and application process early.


Please note that Colgate's campus deadlines are earlier — often months earlier — than the foundations' deadlines, so interested applicants should prepare well in advance.


Application Deadline
Current Year Of Study
Term of Award
  • Rhodes Scholarship

    Provides full funding (tuition & stipend) for graduate study (or a second bachelor's degree) at the University of Oxford in the UK.

    Sept. 15: Internal Colgate deadline; initial application submitted

    Candidates must:

    • Be at least 18 and not yet 24 years of age
    • Be a US citizen or a lawful permanent resident (see note below)
    • Complete the bachelor's degree prior to beginning studies at Oxford
    • Be nominated by Colgate. Nomination decisions will be made by our UK/Ireland Committee after review of application materials and campus interviews.

    NB: Citizens of other nations may be able to compete in their home country's Rhodes competition, if one exists and they meet that country's eligibility criteria. Contact ONFS as soon as possible if you wish to inquire about Rhodes outside the US.

  • Schwarzman Scholarship

    Provides a fully-funded year-long immersive program in Beijing. Schwarzman Scholars will study for a one-year Master's degree in public policy, international relations, or economics and business at Tsinghua University.


    • May 31 (year prior to grad school matriculation): for applicants who hold passports from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau.
    • September 15 (year prior to grad school matriculation): for citizens of all other countries.

    Candidates must:

    • Demonstrate leadership potential
    • Demonstrate strong intellectual capacity
    • Demonstrate personal integrity and strong character
    • Be at least 18 but not yet 28 years of age as of June 30 of matriculation year
    • Have the bachelor's degree in hand before July of matriculation year
  • Scoville Fellowship

    Fellowships in Washington, DC, for individuals considering a career in international peace and security issues with public-interest organizations, the federal government, academia, or media.

    Deadline: October 7. 2024 (for Spring 2025 fellowships)

    Candidates must have: 

    • Completed a baccalaureate degree by the time the fellowship commences 
    • Demonstrated interest in the field of peace and security
    • Experience with public-interest activism or advocacy
    • A strong intellectual capacity and academic achievement