
A list of scholarship opportunities to which our office devotes significant attention and for which Colgate has formalized application processes.

Many of the opportunities on this page require the student to be nominated by Colgate. 

There are numerous awards open to underclassmen and those looking for post-baccalaureate experiences. It is possible, and often desirable, to apply for multiple scholarships during your college years and beyond.

Click any individual opportunity to see information about its requirements, deadlines, and benefits, including a link to the foundation website.

Advising on the Application Process

Getting carefully considered and comprehensive advising is very important when deciding which of these opportunities are a good fit for you and your interests, so please be sure to contact the Office of National Fellowships and Scholarships to start the conversation and application process early.


Please note that Colgate's campus deadlines are earlier — often months earlier — than the foundations' deadlines, so interested applicants should prepare well in advance.


Application Deadline
Current Year Of Study
Term of Award
  • Projects for Peace

    Provides a $10,000 award for a summer project that will focus on the study and amelioration of contemporary conflicts and on efforts to resolve them.

    Campus deadline: January 15

    Final deadline: February

    Candidates must:

    • Be a current student, or group of students, in any academic year
    • Propose a feasible summer project that is relevant to the award's aims
  • Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship Program (PPIA)

    Provides an intensive seven-week Junior Summer Institute (JSI) before senior year which includes mentoring and career development in the field. Fellows later have the opportunity to receive funding for graduate study in PPIA's consortium of over 30 public policy and international affairs programs.

    Deadline: November 1, 2025

    Candidates must:

    • Be a college junior at the time of application
    • Be committed to both the JSI and to completing a master’s degree in public and/or international affairs at one of the PPIA Consortium graduate schools
    • Have an abiding commitment to public service
  • RAY Diversity Fellowship

    The RAY Diversity Fellowship is a program that focuses on expanding options for people of color to learn about and engage with the clean energy NGO sectors. 
    Applicants must:

    • Come from a racial/ethnic background underrepresented in conservation and demonstrate a commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion
    • Be less than one (1) year out of college and have a Bachelor's Degree by July 2020 (we are not considering individuals with graduate degrees at this time) 
    • Have not had a full-time job in conservation or clean energy
    • Have the ability to work in the United States and commit to the entire fellowship