
As a residential university, Colgate is concerned with bridging academic and residential learning. The University provides rich and diverse options for campus living in traditional residence halls, independent living communities, apartments, and townhouses. Colgate鈥檚 approach to residential education is centered on providing students with the resources and support necessary to build vibrant and diverse communities that foster intellectual engagement and promote individual growth and personal development as well as community.

The Office of Residential Life, located in Drake Hall, is staffed by a director and other professional and student staff members. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Additionally, one member of the professional staff is on call at all times. 

An assistant/area director (AD) is assigned to each residential commons and living community. ADs are full-time staff members who live in student residential areas to provide mentorship and coaching. ADs are responsible for helping students establish and maintain healthy communities that promote educational, cultural, social, and personal development. Each AD supervises a team of undergraduate student resident leaders referred to as community leaders.

Community leaders are undergraduate student peer mentors assigned to live in each community and assist students in making their Colgate experience as fulfilling as possible by providing guidance, resources, and referrals. They assist the community in establishing guidelines and living agreements that are respectful and considerate of every member of the community.

Community Standards

Students who come to Colgate agree to be part of the community, a privilege that comes with certain expectations. Students must be prepared to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will not infringe on the rights and privileges of others and in accordance with Colgate鈥檚 Code of Student Conduct. The right of students to sleep and study in their rooms has the highest priority at all times.

Students must act responsibly in the use of their rooms, apartments, townhouses, and common facilities, respecting the rights of others. At the beginning of the fall semester, students in each living unit (e.g., house, suite, apartment, townhouse, or floor) are expected to come together as a group to determine the standards and expectations for their community. These standards and expectations must be in accordance with Colgate policy but may also clarify specific concerns of the particular community. The standards and expectations are then documented and serve as the guidelines by which that community agrees to live. This decision-making process provides an opportunity for each resident to participate actively and to take responsibility for their community.

Office of Residential Life Terms of Agreement for University Student Residences

This agreement is for a room in University housing of 海角社区 (traditional residence hall, apartment, townhouse, or college house) for the academic year or balance thereof and becomes legally binding when the earliest of the following events occur: (a) the student selects or is assigned to a residential space (b) the student (鈥淩esident鈥) accepts a room key or other access control device for a University residence; or (c) the Resident agrees electronically using room selection software. The Resident assumes responsibility for the payment of the rates established by 海角社区 and agrees to all of the terms and conditions contained within this document and the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of 海角社区 in relation to Residential Life that are contained in the 海角社区 Student Handbook and/or otherwise published by the University (each as amended or supplemented from time to time).

Period of Agreement

This agreement is binding for the entire 2024-2025 academic year except when the student (a) completes graduation requirements mid-year  (b) enters into the agreement at the beginning of the second semester, or (c) is approved for off-campus study for the spring semester. This agreement cannot be canceled by the Resident, except as provided below. During the academic year, periods of permitted occupancy are as follows:

  1. Academic Term Occupancy: Occupancy of the assigned room is limited to the current academic term in session, commencing with the dates published by Residential Life for either returning students (August 27, 2024) or new students (August 25, 2024) move-in for fall term 2024. Occupancy ends 24 hours after the Resident鈥檚 last spring-term final examination. Residence halls close for non-graduating students at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, 2025. Graduating seniors may remain until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 18, 2025, when the residence halls close. Requests for extensions of this agreement must be made in writing according to the procedures established by the Office of Residential Life, which will determine whether or not approval will be granted and additional charges assessed. Any personal belongings remaining in the Resident鈥檚 assigned room following the applicable departure time (or earlier termination of occupancy as provided in this agreement) may be disposed of by 海角社区 in its sole discretion without further notice to the Resident.
  2. Winter Closing and Spring Opening: Residence halls are closed, and the Resident will not be permitted to enter or occupy the assigned room, during the winter break period, 12:00 p.m. Saturday, December 21, 2024, until 9:00 a.m. Saturday, January 18, 2025, without prior approval from the Office of Residential Life.
  3. Early Arrival and Late Departure Charges: This agreement is for specific dates. No early arrivals or late departures are permitted without prior approval from the Office of Residential Life. Failure to comply with this may result in the assessment of charges and/or disciplinary consequences.
  4. Room Assignments: This agreement is for a space either in a single or multiple-person room in a 海角社区 residence and does not entitle the Resident to a particular accommodation or roommate(s). 海角社区 reserves the right to change residence assignments upon reasonable notice if necessary for safety, health, or other reasons and/or to assign students to fill vacancies in multiple-student rooms and apartments, as determined by the Office of Residential Life. Swapping of assigned rooms, including within an apartment, townhouse, or suite, is not permitted until and unless approval has been given by the Office of Residential Life.
  5. Room Changes: Room changes will not be considered as an effective form of conflict resolution, and students will be expected to go through mediation when conflicts arise. Room changes are not a matter of right and the Resident will not be permitted to move from their assigned room without the approval of the Office of Residential Life.
  6. Room Use: The Resident鈥檚 assigned room shall be occupied exclusively by the Resident (and other assigned residents) for residential use only. The Resident shall not use the assigned room, or any other part of the facility in which the assigned room is located, for any commercial business or purpose without the prior written consent of the University.
  7. Loss, Damage and/or Injury: The University does not carry insurance covering personal property. Therefore, students are encouraged to obtain renter鈥檚 insurance to cover their personal property. The University shall not be liable for any personal injuries sustained by the Resident or by any of the Resident鈥檚 guests or invitees in or about the Resident鈥檚 assigned room or other areas in or about the facility in which the assigned room is located, or for any loss of, damage to, or theft of the Resident鈥檚 personal belongings or those of their guests or invitees, resulting from any cause whatsoever unless the injury, loss, damage, or theft is caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the University. The Resident releases 海角社区 and its trustees, officers, employees, agents, contractors, and representatives from any and all claims they may have in the future, waives all such claims, and agrees not to sue the University or its trustees, officers, employees, agents, contractors, and/or representatives for any such claims, for liability arising out of any such injury, loss, damage, or theft, including but not limited to claims arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of any or all of the foregoing persons/entities or others.


It is the responsibility of the Resident to observe recognized standards of conduct that permit all residents to live in and maintain a safe, secure environment. Each student has the right to study and sleep without noise or disruption from the residential community. In addition to meeting all monetary obligations, the Resident agrees to adhere to provisions contained in the Student Handbook and all other published University policies, procedures, and regulations, including health and safety policies applicable to University housing. Failure to comply with conditions of the housing agreement or the aforementioned policies, procedures, and regulations may impact a student鈥檚 housing placement, and/or their ability to fully participate in housing selection processes.

The Resident further agrees to promptly and fully comply with verbal and /or written instruction by University officials, including members of the residential life staff. This agreement and the right of occupancy granted by it do not create or constitute a leasehold or other interest or right in real property, and may be terminated as provided in this agreement or in published 海角社区 policies, procedures, rules, and/or regulations.

Obligations of the University

Subject to the terms of this agreement, 海角社区 will provide space in University housing for four years or eight semesters of enrollment. The University may provide space to students beyond eight semesters of enrollment if available. The University does not provide graduate or family housing. This housing is provided to the Resident, together with furnishings, utilities, and routine repair and maintenance service. The Resident shall not attempt to perform repairs or maintenance, but shall instead notify the University Facilities Department, Office of Residential Life, or other designated University personnel of the need for repairs. Utilities are furnished in accordance with the design of the Resident鈥檚 assigned room and the facility in which it is located, and shall be subject to load limits and availability. The University may charge the Resident for any extraordinary or unreasonable use of utilities, modifications to physical spaces, or other damage caused.

Payment and Refunds

University housing accommodations are for the full academic year, beginning and ending on the dates stated or referenced in this agreement. The Resident agrees to make the payments in accordance with standard University billing and payment procedures. If this agreement is terminated at any time prior to its expiration as a result of a disciplinary sanction or removal from student housing, refunds (if any) will be made in accordance with the University鈥檚 published refund policy. Prorated refunds for room and board will be given for University-approved leaves of absence or withdrawals based on the refund policy as stated in the University Catalog. In the event that any refund is due to the Resident, the University reserves the right to offset the refund amount against any other amounts owed by the Resident to the University for any reason. The Resident will receive no reduction or refund of housing fees, nor will the University be liable to the Resident, as a result of interruption of services, utilities, appliances, or other equipment due to repairs, defects, or circumstances not caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the University.

Transfer of Agreement

This agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred to, nor may the assigned room be sublet or otherwise be placed in the occupancy, control, or care of another individual or entity.

Conditions of Occupancy

The following regulations have been instituted by the University in the interest of the rights and welfare of all students. The University reserves the right to amend or supplement these regulations, or to adopt new regulations, from time to time, and such amended, supplemental, or new regulations will become effective and binding on the Resident when published by the University. Violations of the regulations may result in disciplinary action consistent with the Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Code of Student Conduct, both of which are outlined in this Student Handbook.

Items in violation of University policy will be confiscated or removed by a University official and will not be returned. (Refer to the complete Policy on Fire Safety elsewhere in this Student Handbook.)

  1. Air Conditioner Use: Residents may not install air conditioning units in a University residence. If a student is approved for an accessible accommodation/housing adjustment of an air conditioner, following the University鈥檚 established process, facilities staff must approve of and install the air conditioner at the University鈥檚 expense.
  2. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs: All 海角社区 students are subject to New York State law, local statutes and ordinances, and Colgate鈥檚 Policy on Alcohol and Drugs. Kegs of alcohol and drinking games (and associated paraphernalia) are never permitted in University residences. Large quantities of alcohol will be confiscated. Drugs or drug paraphernalia will be confiscated. The possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs is prohibited. Students who violate state or local laws or University policies will be subject to criminal and/or University disciplinary action, and/or the assessment of points in accordance with the alcohol and other drugs policy. Ignorance of the law or of Colgate鈥檚 policies are not an excuse for any violations. (Refer to elsewhere in the Student Handbook for the complete policy.)
  3. Cleaning Responsibilities: Students are responsible for cleaning the interiors of their rooms/apartments/suites. Although many common spaces within University residences are cleaned regularly by the custodial staff, students are responsible for maintaining an environment in their personal and shared living spaces (including common areas) that is healthy and safe and does not require excess cleaning. Students may be charged for excessive cleaning fees and/or leaving their room in a condition that is unsafe or compromises the health of other residents. Students will also be charged cleaning fees if their room requires excessive cleaning upon moving out.
  4. Damages: Residents will be financially responsible for any damages that occur to residential property as provided in applicable University policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. Damage to University residential facilities should be reported immediately to residential life staff. Additionally, inspections of all University residences will be carried out to identify damage. Students are responsible for avoidable damages (damage that is the consequence of careless, willful, or malicious actions) and losses that occur in student residence halls. Damage fees shall be determined by the Facilities Department on the basis of labor and material costs. Charges are assigned equally to all occupants of the designated room, floor, building(s), or residential area, unless the person(s) responsible for the damage is/are determined by the University or assume(s) the charge. When individual responsibility for damage and loss in public areas (e.g., bathrooms, lounges, etc.) cannot be determined, a charge will be made to all students within a reasonably defined area (e.g., room, floor, building, etc.) following the same procedures as above. Students are not permitted to paint, renovate, or modify their rooms or furniture, and must hang decorations and/or art in accordance with stated protocols. Residential life staff may refuse, revoke, suspend, or reassign housing for a student or group of students based on inappropriate behavior or damages or the need for excessive cleaning. In addition, students who engage in patterns of inappropriate behavior that cause damage to campus property or necessitate excessive cleaning may be denied the ability to participate in future housing processes.
  5. Exterior of Property: Students may not erect or install temporary or permanent structures on University property without prior approval from a University official. Items requiring prior approval include, but are not limited to, lighting, holiday decorations, flags or other signage, wading pools, ice rinks, slip-and-slides, stages, tents, and inflatable structures/games. Residents of the Townhouses are required to keep porches and steps of their residences up to the sidewalk clear of snow and ice at all times; shovels and ice melt are provided.
  6. Fire Safety 鈥 Evacuation: Evacuation routes have been posted in all residence halls. All University fire alarms report directly to campus safety. For life safety, students are required to evacuate a building immediately following the activation of a fire alarm. A room-by-room evacuation check is conducted during every fire alarm. Individuals who fail to evacuate a University building during a fire alarm will be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to significant fines and/or suspension. In accordance with New York State fire codes, fire drills are conducted each semester to ensure campus residents are familiar with building evacuation routes. Fire Extinguishers and Other Fire-Safety Devices: Every residence is equipped with fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. Tampering with, obstructing, or the inappropriate use of any fire safety equipment (including but not limited to fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, or fire sprinklers), is considered a serious offense that will lead to disciplinary action and may include suspension. Items Prohibited for Reasons of Fire Safety:

    Items Prohibited for Reasons of Fire Safety:
    1. Appliances with an open heat source such as but not limited to toaster, toaster oven, hot plates, sandwich makers, and air fryers unless in designated kitchen areas. Approved appliances (including microwaves and refrigerators) must be plugged directly into the wall outlets.
    2. Candles (even for decorative purposes and unlit), potpourri, wax or oil burners, incense, halogen lamps, lava lamps, and neon signs. Students with questions regarding religious observance practices involving the use of candles or incense should contact the Office of the Chaplains.
    3. Flammable liquids (including but not limited to turpentine, paint, gasoline, propane, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, ether, or butane), equipment that uses combustible fuel (e.g. motorcycles, mopeds, fueled torches). Additionally, fireworks, including sparklers, explosives, and ammunition are not permitted.
    4.  Grills may be used ten feet from the residential facility and may be stored on porches at Broad Street houses and the townhouses without propane. Students who have questions about the storage of propane and/or lighter fluid related to the use of grills should contact Residential Life at reslife@colgate.edu.
    5. Extension cords without an installed circuit-breaker or surge protection device.
    6. Hoverboards, self-propelled skateboards/scooters, and similar devices.
    7. Natural holiday trees and garland are prohibited in all residential facilities. UL approved lights may be used for decorative purposes; however, they may only be hung on the exterior of residence halls with approval and proper connections. All holiday decorations must be removed prior to semester breaks. Further, nothing may be placed or located at the bottom of a stairwell, in an egress, or within 25 feet of an exit.
    8. Space heaters and air conditioners; space heaters present a fire safety hazard and are not permitted in University residences; air conditioners are a safety and environmental concern. Students with concerns regarding temperature in their rooms should contact Facilities staff for assistance.
    9. Tapestries and other combustible materials (paneling, combustible fabrics, etc.) may not be used to decorate rooms. Fiberglass or other fire-resistant hangings are acceptable if hung from picture molding. No items may be affixed to, installed in, or suspended from the ceiling or exposed pipes in any student rooms.

      Items in violation of University policy will be confiscated or removed by a University official and will not be returned. (Refer to the complete Policy on Fire Safety elsewhere in this Student Handbook.)

  7. Food Service: All first- and sophomore-year students must purchase/participate in one of the designated meal plans, regardless of location of housing assignment. All students residing in traditional residence halls must purchase/participate in one of the designated meal options.
  8. Furniture: Furniture must remain in the room/unit to which it is assigned by the University. No University property may be removed from University residences at any time, or placed on porches or yards of University residences. No University furniture or property may be removed from lounges, conference rooms, or other community areas for use in student rooms or other locations. Students are not permitted to raise, lower, or loft their University beds without assistance from the Facilities Department. Waterbeds are not permitted in University residences. No indoor furniture may be placed outdoors (including without limitation on porches or decks of apartments, houses, or townhouses) except in emergency circumstances as necessary to protect health and safety. Any furniture that has been modified or damaged by students or is missing during inspection times or at move-out will be replaced or repaired by the University, at its option, at the expense of the residents of that particular residential area. Failure to observe these regulations will likely result in labor and/or replacement charges and/or disciplinary action.
  9. Guests: Any non-resident of a room or apartment is considered to be a 鈥済uest鈥 and must be sponsored by a host who is a resident of the hall, house, apartment or townhouse. Although occasional overnight guests are permitted, the right of one鈥檚 roommate(s) to sleep and study must be respected at all times. Therefore, no overnight guest(s) will be permitted in any room unless and until:
    1. Each room occupant gives consent.
    2. Any conditions on the guest鈥檚 stay are understood by all concerned.
    3. These arrangements are confirmed and approved by all parties involved. Additionally, the following expectations apply:
      1. Duration of a guest鈥檚 stay in University housing may not exceed three days.
      2. It is the responsibility of the host to explain residential life and University rules to guest(s). The host is accountable for the behavior of their guests during their entire stay on campus.
      3. Individuals under the age of 17 are not permitted in Colgate residential facilities unless they are a current Colgate student or are in the immediate company of a parent or legal guardian. Family members under the age of 18 must be registered with the Office of Residential Life.
      4. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests, including any violation of policy by their guest(s).
      5. Guests are only permitted between August 27, 2024鈥揇ecember 13, 2024, and January 18, 2025鈥揗ay 2, 2025.
  10. Keys and Other Access Control Devices: Keys and other access control devices (collectively, 鈥渒eys鈥) are issued only to the assigned occupant(s) of a room and with the presentation of a Colgate ID. 鈥淪wapping鈥 keys without returning to the Office of Residential Life for approval and signing for the correct key may result in a lock-change charge and/or disciplinary action. Keys are the property of the University and duplication of University keys is expressly forbidden. Students who lose or do not return their keys will be charged to cover labor and/or replacement expenses (e.g., rekeying or re-coding) that are determined by the University to be necessary. Students are not permitted to install an outside lock on a bedroom, bathroom, closet, or suite door.
  11. Maintenance: The Facilities Department addresses power and plumbing failures, as well as any general repairs. Any damage or malfunction in a student room or common area should be reported immediately to the Facilities Department between 7:00鈥痑.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. For emergency maintenance during the weekends or evenings, please contact the heating plant at 315-228-7468 or Campus Safety.
  12. Pets: Students are not permitted to have pets in University housing other than small aquarium fish (in tanks no larger than 10-gallon capacity) or assistance animals approved as reasonable accommodations by the Director of the Office of Student Disability Services (OSDS). Students approved to have an assistance animal must comply with the terms of the assistance animal agreement provided by ODS. For general awareness and protection of University Staff and emergency responders, students with approved assistance animals are required to display University-issued signage, indicating the presence of the animal, in a prominent location at the main entrance of their residence. Lab specimens are strictly prohibited in University residences. Students with animals in their rooms will be subject to a cleaning, repair, or replacement charge as determined by the Facilities Department if the damage is caused by their animal. Students with unauthorized animals are responsible for re-homing the animal off campus and will also be subject to disciplinary action by the University.
  13. Quiet Hours: Music, loud voices, and other loud noises should not be heard outside of University residences. Every student is responsible for respectful treatment of neighbors, in the community, and in off-campus houses and apartments. In addition to every student being responsible for the maintenance of good order and reasonable quiet in their room, students are also responsible for the maintenance of good order and reasonable quiet in the neighborhoods in and around campus. Students shall at all times show proper regard for others. All students must follow 24-hour courtesy hours and respect others鈥 rights to live in an academically supportive environment. Minimum quiet hours in all residences are 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights are 12:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Residents are permitted to extend quiet hours but may not abbreviate quiet hours from those outlined above. The residential life staff will facilitate a process with residents of a designated area if they determine a need to extend these hours. Voices, televisions, speakers, musical instruments, and other audio equipment shall be adjusted so as not to disturb neighbors or the community. Please note that throughout the final exam period (from the end of the last class day until the end of the last final exam), 24-hour quiet hours are in effect. Any student residents or guests of houses or apartments with multiple noise complaints and/or citations by the Village of Hamilton will be subject to disciplinary action.
  14. Restricted Areas: The presence of individuals, objects, or decorations on roof, balcony, or ledge areas is prohibited at all times for safety reasons and for protection of property, except in an evacuation emergency. Per the Policy on Restricted Areas found in the Student Handbook, students who enter roofs, fire escapes, or balconies, except in an emergency, will be subject to disciplinary action.
  15. Right of Entry: Authorized University staff members, including but not limited to campus safety officers, residential life staff members, and facilities employees, may enter and inspect rooms at any time without permission or consent of the student occupant(s) for health and safety purposes, to conduct repairs, or to address actual or suspected violations of law or University policies, procedures, rules, and regulations, in each case subject to any applicable procedural requirements set forth in the Student Handbook. Residents are expected to comply with reasonable requests for entry.
  16. Smoking: Smoking and vaping is prohibited in all Colgate facilities. Students who smoke or vape in rooms or common spaces will be charged cleaning and furniture replacement fees associated with related damage in accordance with the damage policy and will be subject to disciplinary action.
  17. Trash Collection: It is the residents鈥 responsibility to deposit garbage and recycling into the appropriate location in order to keep their living area clean and sanitary. Students will be charged for any garbage clean-up facilitated by the Facilities Department and will be subject to disciplinary action for excessive or repeated occurrences of failing to dispose of their garbage or recycling.
  18. Weapons: Weapons of any kind are not permitted on the 海角社区 campus or in any building. It is a violation of University regulations to possess the following on campus or in University housing: rifles, shotguns, revolvers, pistols, replica weapons, spring-powered pellet (or 鈥淏B鈥) guns, paintball guns, chemical/biological weapons, knives over six inches in length, brass knuckles, slingshot devices, ammunition, or any other substance or device designed to harm or incapacitate. Rifles, shotguns, paintball guns, or ammunition may be stored at Campus Safety for use off-campus and/or permitted use at the Colgate Trap Range provided the requisite licenses in the State of New York are also obtained. This restriction does not apply to law enforcement personnel authorized by law to be in possession of such weapons. The discharging of weapons on the Colgate campus or in the Village or Town of Hamilton is illegal, poses an obvious threat to the lives and safety of residents, and will result in severe disciplinary and/or legal action against those responsible.
  19. Windows and Screens: For reasons of health, safety, and maintenance, if screens are in place, they may not be removed from windows. In addition, decorations or personal items may not be hung outside a window or be placed on windowsills or ledges. Throwing objects out of windows is strictly prohibited.
  20. Withdrawal/Separation from University: If the Resident is removed from University housing, or withdraws or separates from the University voluntarily or involuntarily, during the term of this agreement, they must, within 48 hours of the effective date of such action: 1) Notify the Office of Residential Life. 2) Immediately remove all belongings from the assigned room. 3) Return keys and/or other access control devices to the Office of Residential Life and complete proper check-out procedures. 4) Vacate the premises. 海角社区 reserves the right to shorten the aforementioned period and/or to modify the above procedures if it determines such action to be necessary or advisable in connection with disciplinary proceedings or the Resident鈥檚 involuntary removal from student housing.

Policies and Procedures

Off-Campus Housing/Living Off Campus

Consistent with Colgate鈥檚 four-year residential education, the University approves a small number of seniors to live in private, non-University housing. Living in private off campus housing is not the appropriate choice for all students. For many, the opportunity to live in Broad Street houses or to develop on-campus communities in Colgate-owned apartments or townhouses better meets their interests. Moreover, Colgate is acutely aware of the impact that a large number of off-campus students can have on local residents. As such, Colgate normally limits the number of students allowed to live off campus to approximately 30 percent of the senior class dependent on enrollment and class size. Approval to live in private off campus housing is not afforded to all students. 

Living in private off-campus housing is intended to provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills needed to manage a household and live as part of a broader community, and to accept the responsibilities attendant to this privilege. The experience that students gather through negotiating a lease with a landlord, paying rent, managing routine expenses, maintaining a kitchen, and living among neighbors of varied ages and backgrounds can be invaluable in preparing them for life after college.

The following guidelines govern off-campus living for enrolled undergraduate students at 海角社区:

  • Private Off-Campus Housing Selection Process: To be exempted from the seven-semester residency requirement and live in privately owned off-campus housing, students must participate in and be approved through the private off-campus housing selection process in the fall prior to their senior year. Consistent with Colgate鈥檚 residency requirement, only students who have approval may live in non鈥揅olgate housing. The selection process includes review of a student鈥檚 conduct record, with particular attention to: health, safety, or fire violations in residential facilities, repeated alcohol or other drug incidents, vandalism, disrespectful conduct, and/or unsanitary behavior within University housing facilities. Students with incidents of this nature may be deemed ineligible to participate in the private off-campus lottery. The Dean of the College staff may, in its discretion, deny or revoke permission to live in private off campus housing to individual students who have violated the Colgate Code of Student Conduct, particularly when the violations call into question their ability to live in the local community without disrupting or endangering their neighbors.

    The University does not endorse any landlord, management company, or individual who lists available rentals with the Office of Residential Life. The residential life staff may serve as resources only, offering information and programs that help students approved to live off campus to understand lease agreements, town ordinances, and expectations while living in the village.
  • Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program: All students approved to live in private off campus housing must participate in the Neighbor-to-Neighbor program administered by the Office of Residential Life by the end of the spring semester of their junior year. The Neighbor-to-Neighbor workshop provides students with important information about living in the Hamilton community, resources available to them if they encounter difficulties, and expectations for student conduct while living in the village.
  • Adherence to Code of Student Conduct: The 海角社区 Code of Student Conduct applies to student behavior both on and off campus. The University is sensitive to the importance of maintaining quality of life standards for our neighbors in the Hamilton community. As such, students living in private off campus housing whose conduct adversely impacts the lives of their neighbors may, in addition to facing disciplinary action from the University, will have their permission to live off campus revoked. Financial penalties incurred by breaking a lease will not be considered in determining whether to revoke a student鈥檚 permission to live off campus.
  • Prohibition of Off-Campus Congregate Living: Colgate defines congregate living as any group of nine or more students living in one residential location with common kitchen and bathroom facilities and common social spaces. (This does not include multi-unit apartment buildings or houses with discrete sets of facilities.) Students granted permission to live off campus are not permitted to reside in off-campus congregate living facilities.

Summer Housing

海角社区 provides a summer housing option for incoming students participating in a University activity or program and current, matriculated undergraduate students who are participating in an approved University activity (e.g. research, on-campus employment, or athletic program). All students residing on campus will be required to have a meal plan, which is included in the weekly rate. Summer housing is not available for individuals who are separated from the institution.


Policy on Housing Accommodations and Considerations

Please keep in mind that a reasonable arrangement in housing may not be one's preferred housing assignment. The University鈥檚 ability to meet students鈥 housing needs will vary based on a variety of factors including timely receipt of request, available housing, and the needs of other students.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Requests for housing accommodations for students with disabilities are included as part of the process for requesting disability accommodations generally. Refer to colgate.edu/accommodations-policy.

Housing Considerations for Religious Purposes

Colgate is committed to supporting students who wish to practice their religious beliefs. Most students will be able to practice their religious beliefs without modifications to housing. Students with a specific need for a housing arrangement to meet religious requirements or doctrine should contact the Office of the Chaplains at 315-228-7682, or stop by their office located in the garden level of Memorial Chapel, to discuss their options. Students may also contact the Office of Residential Life to explore possibilities at 315-228-7367 or visit their office located in Drake Hall.

To support a request for a religious housing consideration, the student must include a description of the consideration requested, the reason the consideration is needed, and a statement of support from the student鈥檚 religious leader, which should be included on the religious leader鈥檚 letterhead. The letter should also include the religious leader鈥檚 contact information for purposes of any follow-up. Requests will be considered by the offices of the Chaplains and Residential Life on a case-by-case basis with the goal of supporting students with their religious practices and beliefs.

Housing Considerations Based Upon Gender Identity

Colgate is committed to supporting transgender students and those who identify with a gender other than cisgender male or cisgender female. Students who seek housing arrangements based upon gender identity may request them by contacting the Office of LGBTQ+ Initiatives at 315-228-6840 or by visiting the office located in the garden level of East Hall. Requests will be considered by the Office of LGBTQ+ Initiatives and the Office of Residential Life on a case-by-case basis with the goal of supporting students with specific housing needs based upon their gender identity.

The information contained in this publication applies to the academic years 2024鈥2025, but this handbook is not to be regarded as a contract between the student and the University. The University reserves the right to change requirements, policies, rules, and regulations without prior notice in accordance with established procedures.

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