
Policy on Use of Colgate Vehicles

Colgate policy prohibits anyone from operating any Colgate-owned vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. Drivers using medication that could impair their ability to drive are also prohibited from operating a Colgate vehicle.

In addition, Colgate policy prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by passengers in a Colgate vehicle. It is the responsibility of the senior official present (e.g., team captain, athletics staff member, academic officer, professor, etc.) to enforce these policies. If no senior official is present, the driver must assume the responsibility of enforcing these policies. Evidence of a violation will result in loss of the privilege of operating a Colgate vehicle. These rules are necessary to protect lives and property and to meet standards of safety suggested by Colgate鈥檚 insurance carrier.

Students requesting permission to drive Colgate vehicles will be required to complete an online course and pass a driving test using a University van, as well as read and agree to abide by rules and regulations provided by campus safety. They will also be asked to make their driving records available to Colgate. Colgate vehicle licenses will be valid for one year and must be renewed in subsequent years by attending a one-hour driver safety refresher class and maintaining a good driving record. The University reserves the right to deny permission to drive a Colgate vehicle based on the review of driving records or subsequent infractions.

Driving a Vehicle for Colgate

Policy on Motor Vehicle Registration

All students who have a motor vehicle on campus are required to register the vehicle at the Department of Campus Safety within 24 hours of arrival. Failure to abide by the University鈥檚 motor vehicle registration requirement and/or parking regulations may lead to fines, towing at the owner鈥檚 expense, and/or disciplinary action and loss of driving privileges on campus.

Registration and Permits

Policy on Parking

On campus, overnight parking is prohibited in all parking lots and roadways from 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., with the exception of the General Use Parking Lot (behind Community Memorial Hospital), College Street apartment complexes, and Broad Street houses. This restriction applies to all faculty, staff, and students. Violators may be towed, particularly during snow removal months. Please note that the number of registered vehicles exceeds the number of available parking spaces and, therefore, a campus vehicle registration does not guarantee a parking space. Students are responsible for ensuring that their visitors and guests obtain temporary parking permits and park legally. Students with fines in excess of $750 or more than 5 parking tickets in a semester will be subject to disciplinary charges, which may result in the loss of parking privileges.

Parking Regulations

Policy on Speed Limits

The maximum allowable speed on campus is 25 mph. A lower speed limit of 15 mph applies to Academic Drive, Alumni Rd, and Oak Drive from Academic Drive to the observatory.

Policy on Restricted Areas

For safety reasons and for protection of property, the presence of individuals or objects on roof, balcony, or ledge areas is prohibited, except in an evacuation emergency.

Policy on Identification Cards (鈥橤ate Cards)

The Campus Safety Department issues and maintains official Colgate student identification cards (referred to as 鈥橤ate Cards). The card includes the student鈥檚 photo (in color), identification number, and date of birth. 鈥橤ate Cards are the sole instrument for personal identification and serve as a student鈥檚 key, payment method, and more. 鈥橤ate cards are used for building access, dining services鈥 meal plans, Colgate Bookstore purchases, library services, vending/laundry machines, admission to Colgate events, etc. The card is issued free of charge, but a fee is assessed to replace lost, mutilated, or stolen cards. Students may be required by University officials to produce their 鈥橤ate Cards to verify personal identification, and should carry them at all times. Students are reminded that forgery or alteration of a 鈥橤ate Card, and presenting another student鈥檚 identification card to falsely identify oneself or to obtain services, building access, and/or products is considered a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may result in disciplinary action.

Policy on Smoking

All indoor areas of the University are designated as no-smoking areas by New York State law, where no person shall smoke, vape, or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other form of smoking object that is used to smoke tobacco. Further, the University expands the definition of smoking to also include any and all other legal substances such as cloves or any illegal substances including, but not limited to, cannabis. Smoking and vaping is also prohibited in Colgate-owned vehicles. Although all persons are strongly encouraged not to smoke at all on campus, exceptions to the above policy, where smoking technically is permitted, include areas outside of buildings. Individuals who choose to smoke outside should consider moving a reasonable distance from any building entrances. This policy seeks the mutual cooperation, consideration, and thoughtfulness of smokers and nonsmokers. All faculty, staff, and students share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy and have the responsibility for bringing it to the attention of visitors. Supervisors are expected to implement this policy in their areas. A complaint or concern regarding this policy should be promptly referred to the immediate supervisor or appropriate dean or vice president for resolution. Violations of this policy will be dealt with in a manner similar to violations of other University policies, with an attempt to resolve the problem as simply as possible, but allowing for disciplinary action if necessary.

Policy on Lost and Found Items

Contact Campus Safety to report lost items or to turn in found property. In the interest of health and safety concerns and to ascertain the proper owner of lost or abandoned property, Colgate officials reserve the right to inventory such property and to take disciplinary and/or legal action if the contents are contrary to Colgate policy or New York State law.

Policy on Weapons

Weapons of any kind are not permitted on the 海角社区 campus. It is a violation of University regulations to possess the following on campus or in University housing: rifles, shotguns, revolvers, pistols, replica weapons, spring-powered pellet (or 鈥淏B鈥) guns, paintball guns, chemical/biological weapons, knives over six inches in length, brass knuckles, slingshot devices, or any other substance or device designed to harm or incapacitate. This restriction does not apply to law enforcement personnel authorized by law to be in possession of such weapons. Exceptions related to educational programs require written authorization by the director of campus safety. The discharging of weapons on the Colgate campus or in the village of Hamilton is illegal, poses an obvious threat to the lives and safety of residents, and will result in severe disciplinary and/or legal action against those responsible.

Policy on Fire Safety

Evacuation routes have been posted in all campus buildings. All University fire alarms report directly to campus safety. For life safety, students are required to evacuate a building when a fire alarm is activated. A room-by-room evacuation check is conducted during every fire alarm. Individuals who fail to evacuate a University building during a fire alarm will be subject to disciplinary action. In accordance with New York State fire codes, fire drills are conducted each semester to ensure campus residents are familiar with building evacuation routes.

The willful report of a fire and/or initiation of a fire alarm system activation (alarm) when no such danger exists is illegal and subject to disciplinary action. Intentionally setting a fire in or on University property (including any unpermitted bonfires) or causing a fire through gross negligence is strictly prohibited. Students found responsible for either of these acts will be subject to disciplinary action.

All 海角社区 buildings are outfitted with fire safety equipment. Tampering with, obstructing (including covering smoke detectors), or the inappropriate use of any fire safety equipment (including, but not limited to, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and fire sprinklers) is considered a serious offense that will lead to disciplinary action. In residential buildings where no student accepts responsibility for damaged or expended fire safety equipment, the Office of Residential Life may, at their discretion, assess charges assigned equally to residents of a designated area.

The possession and/or use of fireworks on University property without a permit obtained from the Village of Hamilton via the 海角社区 Department of Emergency Management is prohibited. Students who possess or use fireworks will be subject to disciplinary action.

For fire safety reasons, use or storage of the following items is prohibited in all University student housing facilities. Items in violation of University policy will be confiscated or removed by a University official.

  • Candles (even for decorative purposes and unlit), incense, potpourri or oil burners, halogen lamps, lava lamps, and neon signs. Students wishing to use candles as part of religious observance should contact the Office of Residential Life for approved designated locations for candle use.
  • Flammable liquids (including but not limited to turpentine, paint, gasoline, propane, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, ether, or butane), equipment that uses combustible fuel (e.g. motorcycles, mopeds, fueled torches). Additionally, fireworks, including sparklers, explosives, and ammunition are not permitted.
  • Grills may be used ten feet from the residential facility and may be stored on porches at Broad Street houses and the townhouses without propane. Students who have questions about the storage of propane and/or lighter fluid related to the use of grills should contact Residential Life at reslife@colgate.edu.
  • Extension cords without an installed circuit breaker/protection device.
  • Larger appliances including refrigerators and microwaves must be plugged directly into a wall outlet (extension cords and powerstrips are not allowed with these appliances).
  • Natural holiday trees and garland (including for decorative purposes during the holidays). UL-approved lights may be used for decorative purposes. Nothing may be placed or located at the bottom of a stairwell, in an egress, or within 25 feet of an exit.
  • Students may decorate up to 50 percent of the wall space in their rooms with combustible materials (e.g. tapestries.). Fiberglass or other fire-resistant hangings are acceptable if hung from picture molding. No items may be affixed to, installed in, or suspended from the ceiling or exposed pipes in any student rooms.
  • Personal storage of any kind is not allowed in hallways or egress paths due to tripping hazards (including shoes and welcome mats).

Fire Safety Guidelines

Emergency Closing Policy

The University will make every effort to provide essential services to residential students and campers, even in cases of extreme adverse weather or other emergencies. Therefore, the University will almost always remain open.

Under extraordinary conditions, however, the University may: (1) close entirely and cease operations (2) close while asking essential personnel to report (3) close during operating hours while asking essential personnel to remain and/or report or (4) delay opening while asking essential personnel to report or (5) early release due to extreme adverse weather or other campus emergency.

Emergency Closing Policy

The information contained in this publication applies to the academic years 2024鈥2025, but this handbook is not to be regarded as a contract between the student and the University. The University reserves the right to change requirements, policies, rules, and regulations without prior notice in accordance with established procedures.

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