
At Colgate, we encourage our community members to engage in active bystander behaviors by intervening in problematic situations.


All of us witness problematic or potentially dangerous situations at some point during our lives. Active bystanders intervene in those situations to help improve the outcome. We encourage all Colgate community members to be active bystanders when they feel they have the ability and safety to intervene to help keep the Colgate community safe. 

In order to teach students and other community members the tools to be an active bystander, we offer trainings led by student facilitators who have been specially trained. 

We currently offer the following trainings:

Bystander Intervention 1.0 - This training is completed by all first year students during their first semester on campus. This training provides an interactive experience in which students consider when and how they will intervene in potential power-based violence situations.

Bystander Intervention 2.0 - This training is for any student who has already completed the 1.0 training and is scheduled on demand. This training provides an interactive experience in which students consider when and how they will intervene in dangerous situations including the topic areas of substance use, hazing, and power-based violence.

Get Training

To request a program or to become a Shaw Ambassador:

Email wellness@colgate.edu

Intervention Methods for Active Bystanders


Directly intervening, in the moment, to prevent a problematic situation from occurring


Your behavior is not OK, and you need to stop.


Seeking help from another individual that you trust to intervene or help you intervene


Can you check on them? I want them to be safe.


Interrupt the situation without directly confronting; divert attention away from the situation


I need your help with something. Will you come with me?


Work with a trusted official to file a report or file an anonymous report online.


I'm going to report the incident online at www.colgate.edu/concern.


After the incident is over, check in on the people involved in the problematic situation.


I wanted to check in after what happened. How are you?

For more information, contact the Shaw Wellness Institute.