
  • In an effort to increase the greening of campus and mobility for Colgate students, staff, and faculty who may not own cars, the Student Government Association (SGA) has brought Zipcars to campus.
    September 7, 2011
  • As the nation and the world prepare to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Professor Christopher Vecsey has just published a book on how The New York Times covers religion in the wake of the catastrophe.
    September 6, 2011
  • Editors at the New York Times invited Colgate President Jeffrey Herbst to weigh in on an important issue regarding the internationalization of higher education: How can American scholars and universities maintain their academic freedom when interacting with China?
    September 2, 2011
  • First week of classes! This week, the campus has really come alive with students strolling to, and at times, running to their classes. This semester, I am taking Intermediate Spanish, Analysis Health Issues: Cancer, as my first-year seminar, Topics in Organismal Biology, and The Silk Road.
    September 1, 2011
  • There’s no other spot on campus where, on a given day, you’ll find an alumnus from the Class of ’41, the president of the rugby club, a staff member from the accounting department, and a geography professor. But at Colgate’s new Trudy Fitness Center, they’re all sweating it out in tandem.
    August 31, 2011
  • Because of potentially disruptive weather Sunday as a result of Hurricane Irene, changes have been to the orientation schedule for first-year students. In addition, the Office of Residential Life has extended its hours to accommodate unscheduled early arrivals.
    August 26, 2011