
Student Government Constitution


We, the students of 海角社区, have come together as a self-governing body, the Student Government Association, in order to improve our experience by providing the means to advocate for our interests. As such, this Student Government Association will forge relationships that strengthen our ties with the rest of the Colgate community while uniting us as a student body. This Student Government Association will be accountable to us, transparent in its initiatives, policies, and methods, and continuous from year to year, senator to senator, and executive to executive. Through self-governance we will develop our leadership, entrepreneurial, and life skills that will serve us in our years to come.

Article I: Definitions

  1. The Association means all current undergraduate and graduate students of 海角社区.
  2. The Student Government Association, or 鈥渢he SGA鈥 means the whole system of student government at Colgate, referring to all members and leaders and members of the Student Government Association, as well as all institutions that comprise that government.
  3. The Government means all of the branches of the governing bodies of the the SGA. The Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Class Council Branch.
  4. The Executive Branch means the branch of government headed by the President, and refers to all positions outlined in Article III and all other positions appointed by the President and Vice President, permanent and provisional.
  5. The Legislative Branch means the branch of government consisting of the Senate, the Parliamentarian, the Treasurer, the Budget Allocations Committee (BAC), the Liaison, the Secretary of Campus Affairs, and the Governance Board Committee.
  6. The Senate means the representative body of the Association, and refers to all Senators, including the Speaker and all Committee Chairs except the Liaison.
  7. The Class Council Branch means the branch of government consisting of the Class Council Committee including the Class Council Chair and the various Class Councils.
  8. The SGA Government Leadership is to advise on strategic goals and initiatives of the SGA and includes those in most senior leadership positions within the Government: President, the Vice President, the Speaker of the Senate, the Parliamentarian, the Treasurer, the Class Leadership Council Chair, the Secretary of Campus Affairs, and the Liaison. The President may invite other members of the Association to attend as they see fit.
  9. The Budget refers to the sum of funds collected by the Association through the Student Activities Fee, collected each year from each member of the Association.
  10. The Bylaws refer to binding and enduring resolutions of the Senate that accompany, complement, or clarify this Constitution or direct the workings of institutions within the Government.
  11. An SGA-Recognized Student Group is a group that has been approved by the Senate through the process outlined in the Bylaws of this Constitution.

Article II: Association Membership

The membership of this Association shall include all current undergraduate and graduate students of 海角社区. Every member shall retain the following rights:

  1. To vote in Senatorial elections, Presidential elections, Class Council elections and referenda.
  2. To run for a Senator position, a Governance Board position, a Class Officer position, or any other position for which they meet the respective qualifications.
  3. To have access to their respective Senator(s) and to have his or her concerns or ideas put forth in Senate by that Senator.
  4. To attend all non-closed Senate, Cabinet, BAC and CLC meetings.
  5. To form a student group or task force and apply for BAC funding.
  6. To join any nonexclusive SGA-recognized student group.
  7. To attend any inclusive event.

Article III: Executive Branch

Section I: Purpose

The purpose of the Executive Branch is to represent the Association to outside parties and to promote the agenda of the students. The Executive Branch may not directly introduce legislation, but they may work with Senators to advance their agenda.

Section II: Positions and Responsibilities

  1. President and Vice President
    1. The President and Vice President shall be the primary figures in charge of representing the Association and its members to administrators, faculty, trustees, alumni, and all others.
    2. They shall run on a single ticket in an Association-wide election, and must receive a majority of votes. In the event of a tie, a runoff will be held.
    3. They shall serve one term, one academic year in length, and they shall assume office on the last day of spring classes, though the President-elect may submit new Executive positions and appointments to the Senate any time after their election.
    4. The President shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To speak on behalf of the Association and the Government.
      4. To attend, or to send the Vice President or some other representative of the Executive to governance board meetings.
      5. To meet regularly with administrative and academic departments.
      6. To keep in close contact with the Board of Trustees, and to read and report to Senate the contents of the minutes from Board meetings.
      7. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges.
      8. To coordinate and organize the initiation and training of Senators and other Government members at the commencement of each academic year to ensure that they possess the skills and knowledge to be effective student government leaders.
      9. To set the time and designate the place for Cabinet meetings, as well as to preside over Cabinet meetings.
      10. To appoint with the advice and consent of the Senate all other Executive Branch members except the Vice President and members of the Communications Team.
      11. With the advice and consent of the Senate, to establish and fill Executive positions that will expire at the end of the President鈥檚 term in office, as long as the responsibilities and powers of those positions remain within the scope of the Executive.
      12. To dismiss any presidential appointees.
      13. To veto any legislation, excepting constitutional amendments, passed by the Senate, which may be overridden by a 2/3 majority of the Senate.
      14. To address the Senate at each meeting.
      15. To delegate the responsibilities of updating the Frank Dining Hall flags to an individual of their choosing.
      16. To form ad hoc SGA committees as needed.
    5. The Vice President shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To speak on behalf of the Association and the Government.
      4. To attend Governance Board meetings when appropriate.
      5. To meet regularly with administrative and academic departments.
      6. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges.
      7. To publish the Senator Handbook, that shall include the Constitution, all Bylaws of the Government, and any other pertinent information.
      8. To cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate.
      9. To form, at the request of Senate or any administrative or faculty department, fair and balanced focus groups for the purpose of relaying student opinion and sentiment.
      10. To assist the President in their duties generally, including appointment of Executive Branch positions.
      11. To serve in the place of the President in their absence and assume the duties thereof.
      12. To form ad hoc SGA committees as needed.
  2. Chief of Staff
    1. The Chief of Staff shall work directly with the President and Vice President on internal SGA matters including coordination between the branches of government.
    2. They shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges.
      4. To attend all Class Leadership Council meetings and have full speaking privileges.
      5. To work with the President and Vice President on their policies and initiatives.
      6. To coordinate policy and initiatives within all branches of government.
      7. To serve as the official liaison between all branches of government.
      8. To keep the President and Vice President informed on ongoing policies and initiatives across all branches of government.
      9. To serve as an unbiased member of the government in order to assist in the mediation and settlement of disputes within the government.
      10. To form ad hoc SGA committees, meaning temporary committees for select purposes, as needed.
  3. Elections Commissioners
    1. The two Elections Commissioners shall oversee the Student Government Association Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, Senate elections, Class Council elections, Governance Board elections and the elections for Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Liaison, Speaker of the Senate, and Secretary of Campus Affairs according to the rules and guidelines established herein.
    2. They shall jointly retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      2. To set the entry deadlines and dates of elections.
      3. To create and collect entry petitions of candidates.
      4. To determine the eligibility of candidates according to the qualifications set by the election rule bylaws.
      5. To document and report complaints or allegations during the election period to the Parliamentarian.
      6. To create ballot forms and/or conduct the election.
      7. To tally votes. For the Student Government Association Presidential elections, they shall tally the votes under the supervision of the Parliamentarian.
  4. Recording Secretary
    1. The Recording Secretary shall document the actions and proceedings of the Senate and Cabinet meetings.
    2. They shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      2. To attend all Senate meetings.
      3. To publish the agenda, created by the Cabinet, to all Senators prior to each meeting of Senate, along with any resolution, bylaws, or amendments up for consideration during that meeting.
      4. To take and prepare minutes of Senate and Cabinet meetings and relay them to the Director of Communications for public knowledge.
      5. To keep records of attendance at Senate and Cabinet meetings, and to inform delinquent Senators and their constituents of unexcused absenteeism.
      6. Take, prepare, and submit minutes of Cabinet meetings to the Cabinet.
      7. Organize and maintain a binder of Senate legislation.
  5. Athletic Life Coordinator
    1. The Athletic Life Coordinator shall be responsible for communicating and collaborating with Colgate Athletics to promote school spirit and increased support for sports teams. The Coordinator will be a student representative for various athletics meetings that SGA is involved in. They will work with the Director for Marketing and Promotions to allocate SGA鈥檚 $5000 semesterly athletics grant in accordance with Article II 搂 4 (C)(X) of the SGA Bylaws. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  6. Diversity Affairs Coordinator
    1. The Diversity Affairs Coordinator shall address student concerns, facilitate campus climate discussions, and coordinate events regarding race, diversity, privilege, and inclusion by working with SGA, student organizations, ALANA Cultural Center, and ALANA Student Representatives and Ambassadors. The Coordinator shall promote diversity and inclusion within SGA and liaise diversity initiatives by the faculty, staff, and administration. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  7. International Student Life Policy Coordinator
    1. The International Student Life Policy Coordinator will be responsible for improving the services and lives of international students at Colgate. The Coordinator shall be tasked with changing the Flags in Frank to reflect the composition of the student body and speak at the Colgate International Student Orientation with the President about SGA. This Coordinator will also be responsible for implementing "See Who's Here Dinners" or free meals offered during Colgate breaks to serve as an event for those students on campus to get to know each other. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  8. ITS Policy Coordinator
    1. The ITS Policy Coordinator will work closely with ITS faculty/staff and will be tasked with improving the state of technology and information delivery to the Colgate student population. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  9. Positive Sexuality/Wellness Coordinator
    1. The Positive Sexuality/Wellness Coordinator will work with Shaw Wellness Institute, WMST, LGBTQ Initiatives, and other campus departments and student organizations to promote positive sexuality around Colgate's campus. This Liaison will help coordinate Bystander Intervention, SafeZone training, and other programming for members of SGA. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  10. Student Life Policy Coordinator
    1. The two Student Life Policy Coordinator shall work, examine, and modify institutional parties, which in particular, most greatly affect student life with all the branches of SGA. They will ensure the smooth and widespread adoption of gender-neutral housing at 海角社区, work on existing alcohol/drug policy and third-party options with the Class Leadership Council (CLC), Alcohol & Drug Advisory Committee (ADAC), and other relevant parties, establish appropriate procedures to hold Graduation/Commencement Ceremonies if the weather permits, and address and improve student life issues and purchases such as Dining Services, Colgate Cruisers, etc. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  11. Sustainability Coordinator
    1. The Sustainability Coordinator will be responsible for all SGA-sponsored green initiatives, with the goal of expanding sustainability efforts on campus. These include capital projects, programs, and working with environmental groups on campus. They shall attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
  12. The Director of Communications
    1. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for effectively communicating and increasing administrative transparency and the ongoings within various branches of SGA. The Director of Communications will head the Communications Team, appoint its members, determine a method by which SGA members should notify the Communications Team of upcoming SGA sponsored events, and oversee social media, tabling, and other outreach methods for SGA projects, events, and initiatives. They shall attend all Cabinet, Senate, and Class Leadership Council meetings. They shall have full speaking and voting privileges at Cabinet meetings and have speaking privileges in Class Leadership Council meetings.
    2. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for the creation and distribution of an SGA Newsletter to be distributed on the last Sunday of each month that school is in session. The newsletter shall consist of upcoming events, brief reports, and ongoing projects from each branch of SGA. The Newsletter should be distributed to the entire student body through the SGA email.
  13. Communications Team
    1. The Communications Team will be responsible for effective and inclusive outreach and communications between the Government and the Association. The Communications Team shall be headed by the Director of Communications which shall appoint a Maroon News Liaison, Webmaster, and any other members they see fit subject to approval by the Senate. The only member of the Communications Team that may vote in Cabinet meetings is the Director of Communications.
    2. Maroon-News Liaison
      1. The Maroon-News Liaison shall be appointed by the Director of Communications subject to approval by the Senate.
      2. The Maroon-News Liaison shall be responsible for the coverage of SGA events and initiatives and the promotion of them in the Colgate weekly periodical, the Maroon-News. The Maroon-News Liaison shall also act as a liaison with the Maroon-News and other campus news outlets to foster collaboration for the Communications Team and SGA. They shall attend all Cabinet meetings, and must be involved in Maroon News.
    3. Webmaster
      1. The Webmaster shall be appointed by the Director of Communications subject to approval by the Senate.
      2. The Webmaster shall manage and maintain the SGA website including updates with weekly Cabinet Meeting and Senate minutes, SGA member biographies, and SGA events. The Webmaster shall work with the Communications Team to promote SGA initiatives utilizing social media platforms. They shall attend all Cabinet meetings.

Article IV: Legislature

Section I: Purpose and Composition

  1. Senate
    1. The Senate shall consist of a total of 40 Senators. Each class year will be represented by 10 elected Senators.  Graduate Students may be represented by one Graduate Delegate to the Senate. A Delegate may only participate in procedural and committee votes, but shall otherwise be afforded all rights and privileges of a Senator. The Senate is divided into committees, each with a designated Chair.
    2. The Senate shall meet on a weekly basis at a time decided by the Parliamentarian with consultation from the President and the Chief of Staff at the beginning of each semester.
    3. The Senate shall collectively retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To promote the interests of the Association among administrators, faculty, students, village residents, and anyone else.
      2. To pass or reject legislation and resolutions on behalf of the Association and to amend SGA Bylaws with a simple majority vote.
      3. To override a Presidential veto with two-thirds support.
      4. To overrule a Parliamentarian鈥檚 ruling with regards to the Constitution, a procedural rule, or a by-law already in place, they issue a challenge in front of Senate and the Senate may overrule the Parliamentarian with a simple majority vote.
      5. To create binding bylaws for any part or function of the Government.
      6. To grant and revoke SGA recognition of student groups and task forces.
      7. To confirm or deny any budget allocation in excess of seven percent of the semester鈥檚 Budget.
      8. To close certain meetings from everyone except Senators, the Parliamentarian, the President and the Vice President.
      9. To elect the Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Liaison, Speaker, Secretary of Campus Affairs, and Governance Board members.
      10. To confirm Executive appointments.
      11. To hold impeachment proceedings and to subsequently remove any member of the Government from his or her position.
      12. To amend this Constitution by a two-thirds vote.
      13. To speak in debate on the Senate floor.
      14. To introduce legislation and resolutions in the Senate.
      15. To serve on appointed committees.
      16. To vote on all matters before the Senate. No Senator may concurrently serve as the Treasurer, the Parliamentarian, the Liaison or as a member of the Executive.
    4. Speaker of the Senate
      1. The Speaker shall serve as the representative of the Senate, and shall be responsible for the efficiency and the fairness of Senate.
      2. As a Senator, they shall retain all the powers and responsibilities of a Senator in general, as well as these in addition:
        1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
        2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
        3. To set the time and designate the place for Senate meetings, which in normal circumstances shall occur once per university week, and to call special meetings of the Senate.
        4. To chair and preside over meetings of the Senate while retaining the right to speak and vote.
        5. To assist Senators and Committee Chairs in carrying out their duties.
        6. To assign Senators to committees, and to form ad hoc committees, meaning temporary committees of Senate for select purposes, as needed.
        7. Committee assignments shall be duly determined by Senator preference and assurance that all committees contain experienced Senate members.
        8. The Speaker shall also assign first-time Senators mentors within their respective committees.
        9. To speak on behalf of the Senate.
        10. The Speaker of the Senate shall use their consenting discretion with the Parliamentarian to dismiss a Senator who has exceeded the number of allotted absences and/or proxies.  
        11. To attend all Class Leadership Council meetings and have full speaking privileges.
    5. Government Affairs Committee (GAC)
      1. A Committee shall review and advise on resolutions, amendments, and bylaws coming before the Senate, and shall continually review the bylaws and workings of the Senate, the Budget Allocations Committee, and the Executive, as well as the elections procedures. The Chair shall assume all general powers and responsibilities.
      2. The Chair shall also assume the role of Parliamentarian at Senate meetings in the event of the Parliamentarian鈥檚 absence.
    6. Student Organizations Committee (SOC)
      1. A Committee shall work with current and prospective groups and task forces on campus to get approval and funding. The Committee shall introduce each new group or task force鈥檚 constitution to the Senate for approval. The Committee shall also be in charge of managing and keeping records on the activity and events of groups and task forces. Additionally, the Committee shall work with groups receiving funds from the Budget to become more efficient and cost-effective. They shall also perform auditing duties to ensure that funds are spent correctly and appropriately. The Committee must report its findings to the Budget Allocations Committee upon request. When necessary, they shall recommend dissolving of inactive student groups to the Senate.
      2. The Chair, known as the Liaison, shall, in addition to their general powers and responsibilities, retain the powers prescribed in this document. The Chair is not a Senator, and must be elected by the outgoing Senate in the spring prior to their taking office.
    7. Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
      1. A Committee shall discuss and resolve issues that relate to student life on campus.
      2. The Chair shall, in addition to their general powers and responsibilities granted to all chairs by the Senate, attend all Student Affairs and Campus Safety Governance Board meetings. Student members of the Student Affairs Governance Board shall attend all meetings, but may not vote in the committee as Senators.
    8. External Affairs Committee (EAC)
      1. A Committee shall discuss and resolve issues that relate to village businesses and residents, including off-campus students. They shall be informed of and make recommendations to the Association on issues involving the neighboring community, and shall organize events and services which will facilitate and maintain positive relations between the University and the neighboring community.
      2. The Chair shall, in addition to his or her general powers and responsibilities, attend all Bookstore Governance Board meetings and all Hamilton village town hall meetings. They shall be the primary liaison to the mayor and police chief, and shall therefore meet regularly with both. They shall also act as the chief correspondent to the student governments of other colleges and universities.
    9. Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
      1. A Committee shall discuss and resolve issues that relate to academics and faculty relations.
      2. The Chair shall, in addition to their general powers and responsibilities, attend all Academic Affairs Governance Board meetings. Student members of the Academic Affairs Governance Board shall attend all meetings, but may not vote in the committee as Senators.
  2. Parliamentarian
    1. The Parliamentarian shall keep order in Senate meetings and uphold the letter of this Constitution.
    2. They shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges. However, they may not debate or provide personal opinion on any legislation in front of the Senate in order to remain an unbiased source of constitutionality.
      4. To advise all members of the SGA on issues of constitutionality.
      5. To decide on issues of constitutionality and legality, and generally uphold the Constitution and its Bylaws.
      6. To chair and preside over Senate meetings in the event of the absence of the Speaker of the Senate.
      7. To resolve any disagreement between the two Election Commissioners.
      8. The Parliamentarian may hold no other positions in the Government with the exception of Governance Board Committees.
      9. The Parliamentarian shall use their consenting discretion with the Speaker of the Senate to dismiss a Senator who has exceeded the number of allotted absences and/or proxies.
  3. Liaison
    1. The Liaison shall oversee SGA Student Organizations and Task Forces.
    2. They shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges.
      4. To set the time, designate the place, and preside over all joint meetings of the Presidents and leaders of SGA-recognized groups.
      5. To subpoena receipts and financial records of any group receiving funds from the Budget.
      6. To chair a Committee dealing with issues pertaining to Student Organizations in the Senate.
      7. The Liaison may hold no other positions in the Government.
  4. Treasurer
    1. The Treasurer shall chair the Budget Allocations Committee, though the Treasurer shall not be considered a member of the BAC except in circumstances explicitly enumerated in the Bylaws of this Constitution.
    2. The Treasurer may hold no other positions in the Government.
    3. They shall retain the following powers and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges. The Treasurer may appoint a representative from the BAC to attend a Senate meeting on his or her behalf unless the Senate specifically requests the presence of the Treasurer. This section is not to be construed as contradictory to Article VI, Section 3 of this Constitution.
      4. To set the time and designate the place for BAC meetings. This cannot take place at the same time as Cabinet or Senate meetings.
      5. To set the agenda of BAC meetings and keep order.
      6. To attend any meetings of the Student Organizations Committee that pertain to SGA-Recognized Groups finances.
      7. To propose and sponsor bills relevant to financial matters on the floor of the Senate.
      8. To manage and keep books on the Government Operating Account.
  5. Budget Allocations Committee (BAC)
    1. The purpose of the BAC shall be to justly allocate funds from the Budget, as defined in this Constitution, to SGA-recognized student groups and task forces, the Government, and the COVE. It shall decide on all Budget allocations that constitute seven percent or less of funds available for allocation in a semester.
    2. The Budget Allocations Committee shall consist of seven Full Members and two Alternate Members, as defined in the Bylaws of this Constitution. Each of these members, diverse in their group affiliations and interests, shall be chosen through an application process outlined in the Bylaws of this Constitution. Full Members shall serve staggered one-year terms, with three beginning at the start of the school year, three beginning at the start of the calendar year, and one whose term shall be determined by the Selection Committee. Alternates will serve one semester terms.
    3. The BAC must maintain Senate-ratified BAC Bylaws or procedural documents outlined in the Bylaws of this Constitution. These documents must be publicly available.
    4. The Treasurer or a majority vote of the Senate may impeach a BAC member.
      1. The Treasurer and the Director of Office of Student Involvement (OSI) or an appointee shall review the case and make a presentation to the Senate at least one week after the impeachment vote.
      2. The impeached member must be made aware of the case and the charges and may present a defense before the Senate. The member reserves the right not to self-incriminate.
      3. The Senate may remove an impeached BAC member from office with a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote. The former member will be ineligible to apply for BAC membership again.
  6. Secretary of Campus Affairs
    1. The Secretary of Campus Affairs shall oversee the Governance Board Committee. They shall advise the SGA in regards to the campus climate to strategize various initiatives with the Association and guide ongoing campus dialogue and conversations.
    2. They shall retain the following duties and responsibilities:
      1. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
      2. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
      3. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges.
      4. To set the time and designate the place for the Steering Committee and Governance Board Committee, as well as to preside over these meetings.
      5. To provide a monthly report to the Legislature about campus climate to communicate issues and concerns that could be addressed in the Legislature.
      6. To coordinate the Engagement/Brown Bag Series.
  7. The Governance Board Committee
    1. The Governance Board Committee shall meet on a monthly basis at a time decided by the Secretary of Campus Affairs with consultation from the President.
    2. The Governance Board Committee shall include all Senate-elected student representatives in various University Governance Boards, administrative committees, and task forces. The Secretary of Campus Affairs may invite other members of the Government to attend as they see fit.
    3. Governance Board Members
      1. The Governance Board Members shall represent the Association鈥檚 interests and concerns within the various Governance Boards such as the Academic Affairs Board, Student Affairs Board, Committee on Admission and Financial Aid, Committee on Budget and Financial Planning, University Planning Committee, Library Advisory Committee, University Student Conduct Board, and the Optimization, Analytics, and Knowledge.
      2. They shall retain the following duties and responsibilities:
        1. To attend all respective Governance Boards and vote accordingly depending on the University Governance structure.
        2. To attend and vote in all Governance Board Committee meetings.
        3. To attend Senate if expertise is required by the Leadership.
        4. To collectively submit a report of their respective Governance Board鈥檚 goals and accomplishments to the President, Secretary of Campus Affairs, and the Speaker of Senate by the eighth week of each semester.

  Section 2: Officer Selection

  1. All terms for these positions are one academic year in length, unless otherwise specified.
  2. The Speaker shall be elected by the incoming Senate every semester, and shall serve a term of one semester. Any current Senator may run for the position; the winning candidate must win a plurality of votes. In the event of a tie, runoff elections will be held. To qualify, the Speaker must have served at least two prior semesters in Senate. If fewer than two qualified individuals declare candidacy for Speaker, the election will be open to any current Senator.
  3. The Parliamentarian and Treasurer shall be elected the academic year prior to their taking office by the outgoing Senate and the outgoing permanent Executive, who, for this election and this election only, may participate in the debate and vote. The outgoing Parliamentarian and Treasurer are invited to give formal recommendations to the Senate and Executive in regards to the candidates for the two positions. Each shall run separately; to win, each candidate must win a plurality of votes. In the event of a tie, runoff elections will be held. To qualify, the Parliamentarian must have served at least two semesters in Senate. The Treasurer must have served at least one semester on the Budget Allocations Committee. Any member of the Association, including those not currently serving in the Government in any capacity, may run for either position as long as they are qualified. If fewer than two qualified individuals declare candidacy for either position, the election will be open to any member of the Association.
  4. The Liaison and the Secretary of Campus Affairs may be any member of the Association but may not serve in any other Government position during their terms. The outgoing Liaison and the Secretary of Campus Affairs are invited to make a formal recommendation to the Senate in regards to the candidates for the position. Any member of the Association, including those not currently serving in the Government in any capacity, may run for either position as long as they are qualified. If fewer than two qualified individuals declare candidacy for either position, the election will be open to any member of the Association.
  5. Senators shall be elected by their respective class years at the beginning of each academic year. The top 10 candidates receiving pluralities of the vote per class year shall be declared the winners. Each student shall be allowed to vote for up to 5 candidates from their respective class year. In the event of a tie between the twelfth, thirteenth, or more candidates, a runoff will be held.
  6. Senator Vacancies or Removal
    If a given constituency is not satisfied with their Senator, they can call a new election by submitting a petition stating their wishes signed by one-twelfth of the constituents. At that point, the Senator shall retain their position until the Elections Commissioners conduct a new election, which shall occur as soon as possible. The recalled Senator reserves the right to run in that election. If a Senator resigns their position, the Elections Commissioners shall immediately conduct an election to fill the vacancy.
  7. Members of the Governance Board shall be elected in the fall of the academic year prior to their taking office. Students unable to commit for an entire year may run in complementary pairs. No student may serve on both the Student Affairs Board and the Academic Affairs Board concurrently. Candidates for the University Student Conduct Board shall be screened and vetted by the University Conduct Officer, Vice President and Parliamentarian, and the Senate shall elect those remaining. The term shall be one academic year in length. Members of the Association shall declare their candidacies for Governance Board positions by submitting limited statements to the Senate. On Election Day candidates shall have the opportunity to address Senate. Each Senator shall be designated one vote per Governance Board position open. Those candidates receiving the most votes shall assume the designated number of positions on their respective Governance Boards. The Elections Commissioners shall oversee these elections.

Article V: Class Council Branch

Section 1: Purpose and Composition

  1. Class Councils
    1. Each class year shall be represented by a Class Council consisting of four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and three Class Council members (Class Representatives).
    2. The Class Councils shall act as coordinating and event-planning bodies, as well as serve as advisory bodies to the SGA on behalf of their respective class years. Additionally, they should collaborate with the Executive and the Dean of the College staff in efforts to promote class unity.
  2. Class Leadership Council (CLC)
    1. The Class Leadership Council shall consist of the leadership of the Class Councils, consisting of the President and Vice President of each class year.
    2. The CLC shall make recommendations and work with the Senate, the Executive Branch, and the Administration about how to foster cohesion between classes and plan 鈥渢hird-party鈥 options at 海角社区. The CLC shall discuss and coordinate events and activities, maintain positive relationships between the respective classes, and plan inter-class events and services to facilitate this effort.
    3. Each member of the CLC shall serve as a liaison between their class and the SGA.
    4. CLC Chair
      1. The CLC Chair shall retain the following duties and responsibilities:
        1. To head the CLC and provide strategic expertise in all Class Council matters.
        2. To attend and vote in all Leadership meetings.
        3. To attend and vote in all Cabinet meetings.
        4. To attend all Senate meetings and have full speaking privileges.

Section 2: Officer Selection

  1. Each class year shall elect four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and three Class Council members (Class Representatives) to comprise their respective Class Council. The Election Commissioners will oversee these elections.
  2. The CLC Chair is elected by the President and Vice President of each Class Council. Any member of Class Council is eligible to run to be the CLC Chair.

Article VI: SGA Recognized Organizations

Section 1: Student Groups

  1. Student Groups must form around some common interest or goal. They must produce a written constitution describing their mission and inner-workings, including officer selection procedures. They may not discriminate on the basis of creed, sexual orientation, race, physical disability, age, nationality or ethnicity. Exclusive or selective Student Groups must receive a special designation as such, which the Budget Allocations Committee shall consider when allocating funds to that group.
  2. Each student group must complete and return all written requests by the Senate鈥檚 Student Organizations Committee to maintain its status as SGA-recognized.

Section 2: Task Forces

  1. Task Forces must form around some common goal, and are temporary by nature. They must produce a written plan of action describing their mission and designating those individuals responsible for carrying out that mission, as well as any leadership positions within the task force. They must also designate a date of termination. The mission of the Task Force must be inclusive, meaning every member of the Association is welcome to take part in the planning if feasible, and every member of the Association is welcome to attend the event planned or enjoy the end product. Task Forces do not have memberships per se. Nonetheless, they may not discriminate on the basis of creed, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or gender.

Article VII: SGA Conduct and Procedure

Section 1: Conduct and Responsibility of Members of the Government

  1. Members of the SGA shall always act in the best interest of the Student Government Association. They shall conduct themselves in a manner becoming of student government official, and shall always treat one another with respect. They shall be honest and forthright with their peers and their superiors. Finally, they shall respect this Constitution and carry out its letter fully and without exception.
  2. No salary shall be allowed for any officer, elected representative, or other official in the Student Government Association for their role within the organization of Student Government. This extends to all officers and elected representatives or other officials in the Student Government Association for their role within the organization.
  3. The President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Liaison, Treasurer, Speaker of the Senate, and CLC Chair shall hold weekly office-hours in the Student Government Association office. No fewer than thirty (30) minutes of each leader鈥檚 office hours must overlap with those of three other leaders. This date shall be confirmed by the first Senate meeting of each semester.

Section 2: Bylaws

  1. This Constitution shall be accompanied by a full set of Bylaws under which the governance structure shall operate.

Section 3: Amendments

  1. Amendments to the Constitution may be introduced and sponsored by Senators. Each requires a two-thirds vote by the Senate, not subject to veto by the President. A period of at least 13 days must pass between the introduction of the Amendment to the Constitution and the vote on that Amendment, during which time Senators may consult their respective constituencies and other members of the Association. Any amendments shall be dated and cited in this section of this Constitution.
  2. A majority vote is required to make amendments to and to implement Bylaws.


This Constitution shall be put into effect August 25, 2016.