
Initiatives of The Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Student satisfaction with campus climate has consistently been lower for students of color than for white students at Colgate in surveys taken over (at least) the past 15 years. This requires attention on a regular and ongoing basis, not just when survey results are released. So long as this demonstrable inequity of experience persists, senior administrators should be meeting regularly with student affinity groups and closely monitoring the bias incident log (see related recommendation below) in order to be able to respond rapidly to inequities, and to provide resources to affected students (and to the faculty and staff who support them).

  • Responsible: Vice provost and relevant colleagues
  • Target date: As soon as the vice provost is hired

Colgate鈥檚 DEI practitioners will engage in preparatory exercises akin to the emergency management structure already in place, with the goal of being able to rapidly respond, drawing on all necessary University resources when bias incidents are reported.

  • Responsible: Office of equity and diversity, Senior adviser to the president, DEI practitioners in the divisions
  • Target date: Beginning spring 2020, and ongoing

The Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics division (PERA) will identify and provide resources and support to those PERA employees who frequently serve as advocates and/or a safe haven for student-athletes of color.

  • Responsible: Physical education, recreation and athletics division
  • Target date: Immediately and ongoing, report on progress in the summer 2020 annual DEI report

Colgate will ask all community leaders (CLs) to serve as EGP liaisons for students. In this role, the community leaders will be fully trained in the EGP process, be able to answer questions regarding the process, and be able to educate the student population regarding the process.

  • Responsible: Dean of the college division, residential life, the Office of Equity and Diversity
  • Target date: Fully implemented by fall 2021

Colgate will identify and publicize avenues of response for members of the community who experience bias but do not wish to immediately avail themselves of the EGP process.

  • Responsible: Executive director for equity and inclusion, equal opportunity, and affirmative action, senior adviser to the president, the Office of Equity and Diversity
  • Target date: Fall 2020

Colgate will explore the feasibility of alternative dispute resolution options for responding to bias-related and EGP incidents on campus and, as appropriate, pilot these. The current campus perception of options for responsiveness is too limited, often coming down to a false binary between formal EGP investigations sanctions and no action.

  • Responsible: The Office of equity and diversity, Senior adviser to the president, Executive director for equity and inclusion, equal opportunity, and affirmative action
  • Target date: Fall 2021