
This committee is concerned with plans for the use and renovation of existing facilities and other physical resources, and with the planning of new facilities. Its function include (1) the broad consideration of the impact (including aesthetic features) of any project on the larger community - students, faculty, and staff; and (2) the sharing of information regarding such projects within the University community. Some projects, once underway, may involve building committees, and a faculty member from this committee will serve as a liaison on all such committees.

The membership of the committee is as follows:

  • Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • 6 Faculty (elected for three-year terms; one from each of the following: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, University Studies, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics and at-large)
  • 2 Students (elected at large by the Student Senate for two-year terms)
  • President of the Student Association (or designate)
  • Provost (or designate)
  • Dean of the College (or designate)
  • Director of Sustainability
  • Director of Academic Support and Disability Services
  • Director of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

The University Property Committee meets regularly and normally once per month. The committee will report regularly and no less than once a year, to the faculty. The chair is elected annually from the faculty members of the membership of the committee.

This committee reviews requests for all permanent installations, installations that require the University to supply infrastructure (such as electrical power), installations that occupy a prominent campus location even temporarily, and any installation that signals University support or endorsement for a cause or organization.

Learn more about installation requests


Members 2024-25    
Lesleigh Cushing, Provost and Dean of the Faculty    Staff to the Committee
Trish St. Leger, Vice Provost for Administration and Planning   Stephen Hughes, Assoc. VP for Facilities/Cap. Projects
Ellen Holm, Dean of the College Rep.   Yariv Amir ’01, Vice President and Director of Athletics
JS Hope ’97, VP for Finance & Administration   Joe Hernon, Assoc. VP for Emergency Management
Renee Madison, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion    
John Pumilio, Dir. of Sustainability    
Elsa O'Brien (SGA Pres)  
Elizabeth Marlowe 2025 (H)  
Alan Cooper 2027 (SS)  
*Damhnait McHugh 2025 (NS)  
Catherine Cardelus 2026 (US)  
Steve Chouinard 2025 (PE)  
Chrystian Zegarra 2026 (AL)  
Chris Powers (S)  
Grace Dow (S)  

 *D. McHugh – replaced by Ramesh Adhikari (fall 2024)