
Fulbright Spotlight: Elisabeth Pezzuto '22

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Elisabeth Pezzuto

Hometown: Hilo, Hawai'i  

Biology Major, German Minor

Campus Involvement: Colgate Outdoor Education, Cancer Research in the Hagos Lab, Colgate German Club

Fulbright Research Heidelberg, Germany from September 2022 - July 2023

Elisabeth Pezzuto '22 in Germany
Elisabeth Pezzuto '22 in Germany

What did you do day to day during your Fulbright experience?
I was at the German Cancer Research Center, where I was researching a project on prostate cancer. Day-to-day I was in the lab from 9-5, doing experiments, computer work, presenting in lab meetings, and going to journal clubs and lectures put on by the research center. I also spent a lot of time with my peers from the lab doing activities together around Heidelberg.

How did Colgate prepare you for your Fulbright?
Because I worked in the Hagos lab at Colgate, I was prepared for the lab work and handling of the experiments. I also had journal clubs and presentations at Colgate, so that was not new for me. In terms of my German, I was prepared from classes, but of course living in Germany and using German every day is different from using it in class. Overall, Colgate prepared me for my Fulbright, but moving to a different country is never something that you can fully prepare for!

Do you have a favorite memory from your Fulbright experience?
The whole experience was amazing, and it is hard to pin-point a specific memory. However, I think probably my favorite memory was the first time I felt like I really fit in and lived in Germany. Even after dealing with all of the bureaucracy and moving to a foreign country by myself, I didn't feel like I was really living there until I had German friends and started changing my own mannerisms. I remember specifically feeling so happy the first time I was invited to hang out with Germans and speak the language with them, and feeling like I was starting to fit into this country.

What are you doing now? 
Right now I am getting my Masters of Science in Molecular Medicine at Universit盲t T眉bingen. I moved to T眉bingen after Heidelberg and will be finished with my MSc in October. Afterwards, I am planning to do my PhD in cancer research in Germany, and was recently accepted to the program at the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ).

Do you have any advice for students considering applying to Fulbright?
Put your heart and soul into the application, start early, and definitely get advice from Steve Wright. The Office of National Fellowships has so many resources and has dealt with many successful applications, I would utilize them to the fullest extent!