
Time to hit the books, and prepare for title game

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(Editor’s note: See a of John in action)

John Frieser, a tight end for the Colgate Raiders football team, knows what balance means. The Endwell, N.Y., native is a key player for the Raiders as they make their playoff drive and also was recently named first-team CoSIDA Academic All-America.

Raiders mania

‘Read about John in this New York Times

‘ from the victory over FAU

‘ For additional coverage, see this

John is a sociology and anthropology major with a 3.69 grade point average. He caught three passes in Saturday’s win over Florida Atlantic for 34 yards.

John reports Monday morning that he is a truly happy student-athlete. But he’s also a realist. An incredibly busy weekend has bumped up against exams, and he is hitting the books hard. He’ll try to update readers on the Raiders’ huge win over FAU today, but he has a bunch of exams Tuesday. On Wednesday, he’s on the plane to Chattanooga, Tenn., for the championship game. We’ll try to catch him again for another update. 

Here is his Dec. 18 entry:

Another day has passed and we’re making our final preparations for the trip to Fort Lauderdale.  Only hours from our departure, many are performing the weekly rituals that they have adopted and doing everything that they can to gain a competitive edge.  Some are in the gym to get that extra lift in, others are gathered in the football office, huddled around a TV to catch one last glimpse of the men they will be battling on the gridiron.  Whatever the activity might be, they all serve the same purpose. They help us to focus our minds and to push all distractions to the margin.

The atmosphere in the locker room has been very special during the last few weeks.  Many local newspapers and television stations have been frequenting our facilities, speaking to a number of players on the team to get last minute thoughts and feelings on the privileged situation that we find ourselves in.  In addition, a few banners and signs drape the walls with words of encouragement and support from the Colgate community.  It has all been extremely special.

We practiced today according to the usual Thursday schedule except for the fact that we took it inside the field house in order to experience an exceptionally warm environment before heading out of town.  Although it was a typical Thursday for us, you could definitely feel the excitement in the air.  Everyone was flying around, keeping the practice moving at a quick, yet steady pace.  Once our workout ended, we gathered our equipment together, making sure not to leave anything behind, and sent our travel bags to the airport.

Learning our lesson from the Georgetown game, many of us are carrying water bottles around with us wherever we go to make sure that we stay hydrated and reduce the chances of cramping as much as possible.  We don’t envision this to be a big problem, but feel that these precautions are necessary nonetheless.

As the student body prepares for finals, we wait in anticipation for a very unique test of our own.  Facing a scholarship program for a third week in a row, we understand that the team that we will play against will be tough and hungry just as we are and will put their best foot forward on Saturday.  This game should be one for the ages and an entertaining one to watch.  Although X’s and O’s are important and vital to the game, heart, effort, and enthusiasm will be the factors that will determine the outcome of this contest.

Here is his Dec. 17 entry:

We have reached the middle of our preparation week for Florida Atlantic and Saturday afternoon is quickly approaching.  As each hour passes, the anticipation for the biggest game of our lives grows greater as we ponder the opportunity that lies before us.  The reality that once was a dream fuels a focused attitude and a fire to keep our streak alive and to reach the ultimate goal.

One of the biggest components of our preparation this week has been to get acclimated to the warm weather conditions that we’ll be experiencing this weekend, especially after playing in typical December weather here in central New York the last few weeks.  In order to do this the best that we can, many of us have put extra clothing on during practice to heat up our bodies a little bit and get our sweating systems working again.

Throughout our evening workout, the attitudes of the coaches and players have been nothing but positive.  There is a feeling in the air that only post-season championship football can bring about.  An urgency…a desire…a willingness to do whatever is takes to take that next step.

Although we have been extremely successful, there have been obstacles and bumps along the way and this week is no different.  A number of our players have had to endure a flu bug during the last few days, making it very difficult for them to concentrate to the best of their abilities.  Others are trying to overcome injuries and the physical effects of a long season and in doing so, have put in extra time getting themselves ready for the greatest moment of our Colgate careers.  However, as is typical of a Colgate Raider football team under Coach Biddle, physical and mental toughness will prevail and we will meet the challenges that await us.

Since the beginning of the playoffs, we have received my letters and e-mails from alumni and friends all over the country, wishing us the best of luck and letting us know that they are supporting us.  As we read each one, we realize more and more everyday how much this school and this community means to people and how much joy it brings them to see Colgate succeed, especially when others doubt us.  We feel truly blessed to be in this position.
This season has been unbelievable and we all know that we will be talking about it for the rest of our lives.  However, there is still work to be done and ‘just getting there’ is not something that we are interested in.  To be an athlete is to never be satisfied and to always demand more from yourself no matter what the circumstances.  Go ‘Gate.