Service held in memory of Kevin Williams '10

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kevin.jpgAn emotional service was held Monday night in Memorial Chapel in memory of Kevin Williams ’10, who died Oct. 4 after a yearlong battle with an inoperable brain tumor.

The service, filled with moving songs and stories and pictures of the 22-year-old, was open to everyone who had been touched by Kevin’s short life. Kevin’s family was present, as well as his fiancee, Kathlin Ramsdell, also from the Class of 2010, and her family.

Kevin had been battling the tumor with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, staying in Stanford, Calif., with his family.

While at Colgate, Kevin majored in geology and geography. He was captain of the water polo team, raced on the ski team, and participated as a summer fellow at the Upstate Institute, working on land-use issues in the nearby village of Cazenovia. He also enjoyed knee-board surfing and volleyball.

Geology professor Amy Leventer described Kevin as seeming “to have been born on the sunny side of life,” remarking on his “curiosity, knack for asking the right question, and for encouraging great discussions.”

Ellen Kraly, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of geography and director of the Upstate Institute, noted Kevin’s “quiet presence, wicked humor, poise, and professionalism,” and added that it was second nature for Kevin to acknowledge the work done by others.

Six fellow members of the water polo team went up on the Chapel stage to show support for their teammate. Chip Molten ’12 and Mike Schon ’12 both spoke about how Kevin was one of the first people to reach out to them before even coming to Colgate.

Molten said that Kevin was the person who most helped him during a difficult first year at Colgate, and Schon echoed a phrase Kevin often repeated: “Enjoy life and live it to the fullest.”

During the service, Kevin’s father, Rich Williams, shared how one of Kevin’s last wishes was to come back to Colgate.

Since that was not able to happen, his family has established a memorial fund within the geography and geology departments to keep Kevin “here at Colgate forever.”

University president Jeffrey Herbst seconded those thoughts by saying Kevin “will always have a home here and this timeless institution will always remember him.”

Kevin’s family launched a blog at to keep his friends updated throughout the treatment process, and his friends from home created a Facebook group as an outlet for words of encouragement.

Last April, fellow members of the Class of 2010 hosted a Trivia Night at Donovan’s Pub and raised money toward Kevin’s medical bills.

toward the memorial fund in the geography/geology departments can
be made to the Kevin Williams Memorial Fund at . Make
checks payable to , and specify “Kevin Williams
Memorial Fund” on the memo line. Send donations to ,
Gift Records, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346.