
Friday afternoons come as a welcome blessing.

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I’m anticipating the weekend.  After a full week of thesis research, running from the Maroon-News office to the squash courts to the O’ Connor Campus Center, I’ve checked my e-mail more times than I can count, cramming in an episode of CUTV’s ‘Gateline,’ a sketch comedy show, in between reading for my English classes, a couple trips to the Barge Canal Coffee Shop, checking my mail with the hopes of finding a package, (I received an overdue fines notice instead) meetings with professors and the Humanities Colloquium’I’m spent.

And the weekend holds a barrage of opportunities.  Friday afternoons come as a welcome blessing, where I set aside my books for the day and command the couch for a few hours.  Or go to the gym.  Take a nap.  Catch up with a friend that I haven’t seen in a while.

The important thing is that I don’t plan anything.  I’d tell you where I’m going, but the truth is, I don’t know.