
Colgate president, deans to participate in live webcast

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Colgate’s strategic plan, the bold blueprint for making the university the premier institution of its kind in the nation, will be the main topic of a live online discussion on Tuesday, March 23.

University President Rebecca Chopp, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Jack Dovidio, and Dean of the College Adam Weinberg will answer questions submitted during and before the hourlong webcast, which begins at 7 p.m. (EST). Alumni, students, parents, and those interested in the university are invited to participate.


‘ Alumni and others are invited to send questions for the webcast. Please use this  to send an e-mail and to view the webcast on Tuesday night

‘ Read the complete strategic plan

‘ This from The Colgate Scene examines the strategic plan

The strategic plan, the result of a 13-month planning effort by numerous members of the campus community, was approved by the Colgate Board of Trustees last  October.

It outlines a vision for combining the very best elements of  a liberal arts college with those of a research university, creating a ‘liberal arts university’ that offers its students the opportunities and tools needed to excel in the 21st century.

Chopp has toured the country in recent months, talking about the plan with numerous alumni groups. Her commitment and enthusiasm for the plan have energized those who have had a chance to meet her, said RuthAnn Loveless, associate vice president of alumni affairs.

It is hoped the webcast will reach an even greater number of alumni and provide them with a forum to ask questions and better understand the plan’s goals.

‘We have so many great things to talk about, we want to share it with as many people as we possibly can,’ said Loveless, whose office is organizing the webcast.

Excitement over the strategic plan and its emphasis on amplifying Colgate’s tradition of academic excellence has generated the two largest gifts in the school’s 185-year history.

Daniel Benton, a 1980 graduate and Colgate trustee, has pledged $10 million in support of Colgate’s vision of becoming the nation’s leading liberal arts university. Robert H. N. Ho, a 1956 graduate and trustee emeritus, confirmed a commitment of $25 million to help Colgate achieve the plan’s goals, especially as it relates to the sciences. A centerpiece of the plan will be a new interdisciplinary science building, which will be named in honor of Ho.

The plan also calls for a major renovation and addition to Case Library that will combine the resources of the library and information technology under one roof. The $45 million project is expected to begin within the year.

Another initiative contained in the strategic plan is a four-year residential education system that is designed to make Colgate students better citizens and leaders. The system is designed to build on the already strong relationship between faculty members and students; prepare students for an increasingly competitive job market; increase their civic engagement; and help them embrace diversity in its many forms.

While the strategic plan and its many components will be the main focus of the online discussion, alumni and others are invited to send questions about other issues relating to Colgate. They are urged to e-mail questions in advance of the webcast to help ensure that each topic is addressed during the session.

‘Hearing directly from Rebecca, Jack and Adam is an important way for us to inform our alumni and parents about this incredibly exciting vision for Colgate’s future,’ said Loveless.

Tim O’Keeffe
Office of Communications and Public Relations