Sarah Harris ’23

Psychological sciences; minor in educational studies and sociology

Although I am not entirely sure what the future holds in store for me, I do know that the tools that I have gained at Colgate will help me to get where I need to go.

Sarah Harris ’23 Ossining, N.Y.

What is your favorite activity outside of the classroom?


If I have to choose just one, my favorite activity would be . Link Staff consists of about 80 current students who facilitate incoming first-year and transfer students’ transition to college. It is my favorite community on campus — everyone is so kind, funny, and dedicated. Any event that I go to that is affiliated with Link Staff is always upbeat and I come away feeling even better than I did when I arrived. Additionally, Link Staff has traditions such as the welcoming of students to campus on move-in day, staff get-togethers, and Club Case, where we turn the library into a massive hub of activities, including scavenger hunts, tie-dye, caricatures, and so much more. Club Case in particular is one of my favorite events because I get to see all my new linksters branching out and making memories just like I did.

Brown Commons Link Staff 2021–2022
Brown Commons Link Staff 2021–2022

What would you consider your greatest accomplishment as a student at Colgate so far?

Sarah Harris (right) and Amelia Bohan (left) presenting their research
Sarah Harris (right) and Amelia Bohan (left) presenting their research

I conducted research during the summer of 2021 with Professor Philbrook and a research partner. We collected behavioral and biological measures of children’s sleep and aspects that contribute to their sleep, such as family interactions, bedtime routine, cortisol levels, and cognitive abilities. I am a psychological sciences major with a double minor in educational studies and sociology, so it was especially exciting to participate in research that aligned with all of my academic passions. I am proud to say that a paper about this research is now in the process of being published, and I am honored to have worked so closely with Prof. Philbrook in its development.

What is the best part about being a Colgate student?

Sarah at Gamma Phi Bid Day 2021
Sarah at Gamma Phi Bid Day 2021

The best part about being a Colgate student is definitely the community. The campus community is incredibly strong and cohesive making for a really friendly college setting. Just one example of this is the “Colgate Hello,” which is a staple on campus and off. No matter where you are walking on campus or who you are passing, you are certain to get a smile, a wave, or most likely, a cheerful hello. Often, this will happen off-campus as well when a grad spots me wearing the signature Colgate “C” and carries on the tradition of the Colgate Hello. As a rising senior, I especially love this because it reminds me that our tight-knit Colgate community continues on even after graduation.

Sarah and the Little Blue (Gamma Phi Beta house) having SuperBowl appetizers.
Sarah and the Little Blue (Gamma Phi Beta house) having SuperBowl appetizers.

Beyond the campus community, the wider village of Hamilton is a great addition. Many of our faculty and staff reside in town so the interactions between the town and the school are frequent. I often run into professors at the farmers market on Saturdays, and it always reminds me just how special our Colgate community is. 

What is your favorite place on campus and why?

My favorite place on campus sits above the Burke/Pinchin Quad right near President Casey’s house. The students have informally dubbed this spot the Field of Dreams. At any time of the day, it is the perfect place to hang out. At night, you have a great view of the Big Dipper and comfortable grass for lounging. During the day, it is a prime location to kick around a soccer ball, play spike ball, or do some work. Even in the winter, the Field of Dreams provides a path to a great sledding hill. By far my favorite time to be there is at sunset. My friends and I love to set up blankets on the soft grass and cover them in picnic foods from Frank Dining Hall or pizza from (the best pizza in Hamilton!). When we are hanging out on the field of dreams, hours seem to slip away. Some of my best memories have been made there.

Sunset picnics on the Field of Dreams
Sunset picnics on the Field of Dreams

What advice would you give to future Colgate students?

When I first started at Colgate, I was so worried that I was not measuring up to all the students around me and that I wouldn’t be able to thrive like they were. However, with Colgate’s collaborative nature, I soon realized that this was unnecessary. Everyone admitted to Colgate is admitted for a reason. Whether it’s academic, leadership-oriented, social, or a mix of all three, everyone brings something meaningful to the community. After working in the Office of Admission and understanding more about the selection process, I have learned that everyone contributes to Colgate and deserves to be here. That includes me and, if any future students are reading this, that includes you too!

What are your plans for the future? 

I have a lot of different directions that I am considering post-Colgate. After working at a biomedical company in the summer of 2022, I realized how much I missed interacting with kids on a day-to-day basis. Having learned this about myself, I am now hoping to work with children and contribute to educating them on topics that are less touched on with them, such as mental health, gender, and sexuality. I have been exploring different mediums to do this and have developed a deeper interest in children’s media as well as the general fields of psychology and social work. Although I am not entirely sure what the future holds in store for me, I do know that the tools that I have gained at Colgate will help me to get where I need to go.

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