
Update From 海角社区 for the Hamilton Community

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Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

As I mentioned in my message earlier this week, Colgate has seen a recent increase in positive COVID-19 tests on campus. 

No single cause has been identified through contact tracing. However, there are now 19 students and one employee in isolation, and 14 employees and 134 students in close-contact quarantine. Currently, 47 students are at the Wendt University Inn, and 92 have returned home. Thirteen students are in quarantine in off-campus housing. As of midnight, a total of 47 out of 94 rooms at the Wendt are now occupied, and 3 of 15 rooms at 76 Broad Street are housing individuals in travel quarantine. 

Therefore, the Task Force on Reopening Colgate and the Health Analytics Team have recommended a return to modified Gate 1 restrictions. We will reevaluate our Gate status on Monday, April 19. Metrics that will be used to determine our Gate status next week include: a reduction in positive PCR tests; a reduction in the average number of close contacts; wastewater results that do not indicate spread; compliance with Commitment to Community Health and with this modified Gate; and Wendt capacity and staffing.  

Starting with dinner service this evening, all meals will return to a grab-and-go format. Classroom instruction will proceed without changes, as there has been no documented evidence of viral transmission in classrooms on campus with proper social distancing and face coverings.

Faculty, staff, and students who have already received one dose of the Moderna vaccine on campus will still receive their second dose as planned. But individuals in isolation or quarantine must wait until the conclusion of their quarantine or isolation period before receiving a second dose. 

Gate 1 travel restrictions outlined in the Commitment to Community Health are in effect. Travel requests can still be made to accommodate vaccination appointments, medical appointments, or emergency personal requests. Any unapproved travel will be considered a violation of the Commitment to Community Health and will be adjudicated accordingly. Guests, including family members, are not allowed.

We will continue our planning for commencement, but will, necessarily, aim our energies and focus now on moving the campus to a modified Gate 1 and addressing current health concerns. We will share updates on Colgate's commencement plans on or before April 19.

As I told our community in a message today, the last time we were at Gate 1, there were months to go in the semester. At this point, there are mere weeks between us and the summer recess. I still believe that we can finish strong. Under the current circumstances, that means coming together to focus on our academic mission, our collective mental and physical heath, and our commitment to the wellbeing of our community. I know that we can meet this challenge.

As ever, I thank you for your support along the way.


Laura H. Jack
Vice President for Communications