
New Office Move In Guide from ITS

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August is here and the start of the new academic year is just on the horizon. For some, this month brings not only a new semester but also a new workspace. With several office renovations underway and a brand-new building online, our Information Technology Services (ITS) team has put together a helpful guide to assist those who have recently relocated or are about to make the move. This resource is designed to get you settled in quickly and ready for a successful fall semester.

Moving and Connecting your Equipment

Once you move into your office, connect your laptop or desktop and any peripherals. If you need longer cables, additional cables, or Velcro cable ties, contact ITS. Requests for extension cords and power strips should be made through your department ADC.

Check your Wired Port

If you plan to plug your laptop into the wired network, test your port to ensure it's up and running. ITS has been making progress connecting one wired port per office - prioritizing the port nearest your computer workstation. If you'd like, your computer can be connected via a passthrough with your phone - this helps with cable management and allows us to be more sustainable by using less ports.  An easy way to test your port is to plug in your phone and ensure it powers up.  If you need any cables or have any port activation needs, please reach out to us.

Check your Office Phone

ITS has been testing phones in classrooms and lab spaces. Should your phone not work properly, please reach out to us. 


Connect to Printers

A new office probably means connecting to a different printer - or at least a printer that has been renamed to reflect its new home or new room number.

For the full instructions on adding the printer in your area, visit colgate.edu/printing


Update your Location and Contact Information on the Portal

 Help others find you easier in the directory by updating your information on the portal.  


Classrooms and Conference Rooms

 To learn more about classrooms and conference rooms in new or renovated spaces, visit colgate.edu/classroom.  If you would like a room demonstration, contact us.


Contact ITS for Additional Help

Please feel free to contact us at itshelp@colgate.edu or call the Service Desk at 315-228-7111 for assistance.