
Updates from the Office of Communications

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Professional Headshots

The Office of Communications is holding two professional headshot sessions for all Colgate faculty and staff.

Ho Science Center, Cunniff Commons

9:30 a.m.–noon
1:30–4:30 p.m.

9:30 a.m.–noon
1:30–4:30 p.m.

University Identity

As Colgate's Bicentennial draws to a close, we are moving away from using the Bicentennial branding (such as the gold C) in campus communications. Please do not use the Bicentennial branding for posters, emails, or merchandise unless it's for a specific Bicentennial purpose. This does not apply to those in advancement who deal with alumni audiences.

New Website Reminders

Changes to the online campus directory
In consideration of information security and privacy, the visibility of information in the online campus directory will change. Users must now opt in to displaying their contact information in the public directory; by default, contact information including email addresses, phone numbers, and student box numbers will not be visible to the public. However, users with a Colgate network account may sign in to the directory to view the full information.

Individual faculty members, staff, and students may choose to change their personal visibility within the directory and elect to display their contact information publicly. This setting may be changed in the My Contact Info section of the . There will be a delay between when a user updates this setting and when their information begins to appear publicly.

Note that this is a setting that individuals must update themselves within the portal (if they choose); the web team is unable to change this setting on an individual’s behalf.

Content maintainers and training
As has always been the case, Colgate will continue to rely on members of the staff and faculty from across the University to assist in maintaining and contributing online content related to their areas. We have already reached out to a number of identified content maintainers with details about scheduled training sessions. If you believe you are a content maintainer for your area, but you have not yet received information about training for the content management system, please contact us at website@colgate.edu. Be sure to include the offices, departments, or programs you believe you will support as a content maintainer.