
º£½ÇÉçÇø recognizes scholars, leaders, and those of outstanding character who have enriched the Colgate community.

Read about this year's 1819 award winner


Boren Fellowship

  • Alec Bressler ’24
  • Sarah Neubecker ’22
  • Kathryn Selfe ’24


Boren Scholarship

  • Conrad Chipman ’25
  • Bryan (Tai) Pham ’25


Critical Language Scholarship

  • Alec Bressler ’24


Department of Defense SMART Fellowship

  • Ryland Ross ’26


Fulbright U.S. Student Scholarship

  • Annabelle Adelizzi ’24
  • Emily Balog ’24
  • Jessica Farrell ’24
  • Brenna McConnell ’24
  • Sophie Pedzich ’24
  • Carmen Perry â€™24
  • Giorgio Rahal â€™24
  • William Russel ’24


Gates Cambridge Scholarship

  • Sarah Miller ’24


German Education Exchange (DAAD) Masters Study

  • Annabelle Adelizzi ’24


Gilman Scholarship

  • Nicole Hernandez ’26
  • Sarah Kinnard ’26


Goldwater Scholarship

  • Gwen Eichfeld ’25


Harvard - Amgen Scholars Program

  • Gwen Eichfeld ’25


National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Training Award

  • Emma Attar ’24
  • Henry Lewinsohn ’24
  • Ari Levine ’24


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program

  • Jessica Johnson ’22
  • Caroline Kaicher ’22


NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program

  • Jessica Johnson ’22


Princeton in Africa Fellowship

  • Brenna McConnell ’24


Projects for Peace

  • Yiduo He ’24

Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship

  • Bryan (Tai) Pham ’25


US English Language Teaching Assistantship Program in Austria

  • Annabelle Adelizzi ’24


*Recipients are Class of 2024 unless otherwise noted.

Phi Beta Kappa Daniel H. Saracino Prize for Scholarship of Exceptional Merit

  • Camden Di Carlo
  • Vuong Hoang
  • Facundo Pérez Paolino
  • Will Russel


Lampert Prize

  • Jon Eaton


Cleon O. Morgan Award

  • Emma Birsen
  • Andrea Galeana


Office of Undergraduate Studies Award for Academic Excellence

  • Giselle Ayala
  • Ophelia Palaguachi
  • Shafi Islam


Africana and Latin American Studies

1804 Award for Caribbean Studies

  • Halle Kuhar-Pitters

Bartolina Sisa Award for Excellence in Latin American Studies

  • Daniel Rodriguez

Manning Marable Award for Service

  • Daniel Rodriguez


Pauli Murray Award for Excellence in African American Studies

  • Bailey Misken


Wangari Maathai and Nelson Mandela Award for Excellence in African Studies

  • Adam Fam



Award for Excellence and Citizenship in Architecture

  • Jordan Hurt
  • Carly Kleinberg


Fitchen Award for Excellence in Art and Art History

  • Virginia Boyer


Harriette Wagner Memorial Award

  • Zul Ahmed


Asian Studies

Award for Excellence in Area Studies: China

  • Jon Eaton


Award for Excellence in Area Studies: Pan Asia

  • Emma Nelson



Director of Athletics Award

  • Tiasia McMillan
  • Ross Mitton


Gottesman Award for Excellence in the Sciences and Athletics

  • Gavin Fowler


John T. (Jack) Mitchell Memorial Award

  • Michael Hanratty


Joseph Huther Prize

  • Alex Capitano
  • Maddie Cappillo


Thomas M. Wilson ’67 Memorial Endowed Leadership Award

  • Bardhyl Gashi



Christopher Oberheim Memorial Award

  • Joe Coolidge
  • Blessed Jimoh


Oswald T. Avery Award

  • Will Russel


Raymond J. Myers Award

  • Kyleigh Frank
  • Benjamin Godbout
  • Sophie Pedzich



American Chemical Society’s Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry

  • Morgan Usselman


American Chemical Society’s Division of Biological Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Biological Chemistry

  • Eric Goodney


American Chemical Society’s Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry

  • David Stephens â€™26


American Chemical Society’s Division of Physical Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry

  • Sohee Kim â€™25


Edwin Foster Kingsbury Prize

  • Liam McCarthy â€™26
  • Sarah Sexton â€™26


Haskell Schiff Memorial Prize

  • Isabel Kats-Rodgers â€™27
  • Jeremy Stoll â€™27


Lawrence Chemical Prize

  • Melinda Haagensen â€™27
  • Leo Liu â€™27


McGregory Fellowship in Chemistry

  • Joe Berberich
  • Abby Getz


Roy Burnett Smith Prize in Chemistry

  • Camden Di Carlo
  • Eric Goodney



Award for Excellence in the Classics

  • Isabel Costa â€™27
  • MG King â€™27
  • Wilbur Saionz â€™27
  • Evan Sheldon â€™26
  • Bennett Steifman â€™27


Baldwin Greek Prize

  • Milo Austin â€™26
  • Thomas Nemec â€™26
  • Coleman Wohlken â€™26


J. Curtiss Austin Latin Prize

  • Alexander Kraut
  • Lizzie Zimmerman


Newton Lloyd Andrews Prize

  • Wyatt Hall â€™26
  • Lilia Hayduchok â€™26
  • Ally Song â€™26
  • Arianna Stolowitz â€™26
  • Wendy Wu â€™25


Computer Science

Award for Academic Excellence In Computer Science

  • Riley Del Priore
  • Brian Dion
  • Mete Minbay
  • Wael Mohamed
  • Rose Nguyen


Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Computer Science Community

  • Brian Dion
  • Edna Gutierrez
  • Cristofer Jimenez


Edward P. Felt ’81 Memorial Prize Fund in Computer Science

  • Brian Dion
  • Mete Minbay


Laura Sanchis Award for Excellence in Research

  • Mete Minbay
  • Omshi Samal


Earth and Environmental Geosciences

Award for Excellence in Geology

  • Jessica Wen


Kevin Williams ’10 Endowed Memorial Fellowship Award

  • Aidan Kenefick â€™26
  • Emily Pfaff â€™26


Norma Vergo Prize in Geology

  • Sophie Naylor

Robert M. Linsley Prize for Excellence in Geology

  • Ryan D'Errico â€™25



J. Melbourne Shortliffe Prize

  • Vuong Hoang
  • Lizzie Zimmerman


Marshall-Keynes Award for Excellence in Economics

  • Nikola Duka
  • Samay Gupta


Educational Studies

Award for Excellence in Adolescence Education

  • Stephanie Skura (graduated)


Award for Excellence in Childhood Education

  • Amber Hufford (graduated)


Charles H. Thurber Award

  • Blake Hardin
  • Shenice Mobley
  • Ja-lon Perkins


English and Creative Writing

Allen Prize in English Composition

  • Natalie Sepe
  • Hope Swetow


Jonathan H. Kistler Memorial Curricular Innovation Fund in English

  • Kevin Nguyen
  • Giorgio Rahal


Lasher Prize in English

  • Helen Lieberman â€™25
  • Talia Troy â€™25


Lasher Prize for Distinction in English Composition

  • Max Gardinier
  • Dulcie Lou Morris


Scott Saunders Prize for Excellence in Literature

  • Ayanna Dukes


Environmental Studies

Award for Excellence in Environmental Studies

  • Kayla Gutheil


Film and Media Studies

Film and Media Studies Award

  • John Cremins
  • Vuong Hoang
  • Hunter Keller
  • Bethany Neufeld



Kevin Williams ’10 Endowed Memorial Fellowship Award

  • Sophia Ceconi â€™26
  • Katrina Wright â€™26


Peter Gould Award in Geography

  • Emily Balog


Shannon McCune Prize in Geography

  • Jason Qian



Valentine Piotrow German Prize

  • Annabelle Adelizzi
  • Charlotte Lawson
  • Sigrid Montagano


Global Public and Environmental Health

Award of Excellence in Global Public and Environmental Health

  • Will Russel


Health Sciences

Bernard and Sydell Citron Pre-Medical Scholastic Prize

  • Benjamin Godbout



Alexander V. Wasson Prize for Excellence in History

  • Emily Corson
  • Katie Moser


Award for Excellence in History

  • Katie Moser


Douglas K. Reading ’33 History Prize

  • William Crounse


Scott Saunders Prize for Excellence in History

  • Emma Attar


International Relations

Paul O. Stillman ’55 Award

  • Brenna McConnell


Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies Award

  • Becca Kaplan


LGBTQ Studies

Ken Valente Award for Leadership in LGBTQ Studies and Community

  • R Hunsicker


LGBTQ Studies Award for Academic Excellence in Honor of Marilyn Thie

  • R Hunsicker


Liberal Arts Core Curriculum

Liberal Arts Core Curriculum Prize: Core Communities

  • Gisele Tjan

Liberal Arts Core Curriculum Prize: Core Conversations

  • Annabel McKenna â€™27


Liberal Arts Core Curriculum Prize: Core Sciences

  • Juanita Omeje



Allen First-Year Mathematical Prize

  • Joseph LaMonica


Osborne Mathematics Prizes

  • Sophia Child â€™25


Sisson Mathematics Prize

  • Dennis Belotserkovskiy â€™26
  • Jackson Carter â€™25
  • Sia Hu â€™26
  • Mete Minbay


Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Award for Excellence in Medieval and Renaissance Studies

  • Tom Richards

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

Award for Excellence in Arabic

  • Grace Carter
  • Niall Simonian

Award for Excellence in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

  • Kat Selfe


Museum Studies

Award for Excellence in Museum Studies

  • Sam Fleming



Class of 1909 Music Prize

  • Leah Greenstein â€™25
  • Matthew Shapiro â€™25


Donald Lloyd Cotton ’36 Endowed Prize

  • Martyn Dahl â€™27
  • Jeremy Stoll â€™27
  • Jack Zizza â€™26


Lorey Family Senior Music Prize

  • Matthew Robertson


Robert G. Ingraham Memorial Music Prize

  • Matthew Robertson


Native American Studies

Anthony Aveni Award for Excellence in Native American Studies

  • Katie Moser


Carol Ann Lorenz Award for Service in Native American Studies 

  • Raquel Marquez-Guerrero



F. Scott Kraly Award

  • Hayley Lenhard
  • Zack Pelland


William E. and Nellie K. Edmonston Neuroscience Award

  • Labib Mamun
  • Josie Ward


Peace and Conflict Studies

Clarence Young Award

  • Fabrizio Montisci


Dag Hammarskjöld Prize in Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Zarah Bari


Sterling Prize

  • Zarah Bari
  • Ella Corbett
  • Ellie Markwick
  • Fabrizio Montisci
  • Jordan Smith
  • Ruby Verga



Balmuth Award for Philosophical Engagement

  • Priya Martin


M. Holmes Hartshorne Memorial Award for Excellence in Philosophy

  • Dean Kardas
  • Niall Simonian


M. Holmes Hartshorne Memorial Award for Postgraduate Study in Philosophy

  • Kevin Nguyen


Robinson Essay Prize

  • Peyton Wray ’25


Physics and Astronomy

Edwin Foster Kingsbury Prize

  • Oscar Jaroker â€™27
  • Jai Mangal â€™27
  • Olivia Miller â€™27
  • Evan Zimmerman â€™27


Joseph C. Amato and Anthony F. Aveni Award for Student Research

  • Gavin Fowler
  • Facundo Pérez Paolino


Physics and Astronomy Alumni Award

  • Sarah Miller


Physics and Astronomy Department Founders Award

  • Richard Casey
  • Madison Markham


Political Science

Dr. William L. Boyle Jr. ’55 Award

  • Jayden Lichtenstein â€™25


Herbert J. Storing Memorial Award

  • Kristen Quinonez
  • Fabrizio Montisci


Psychological and Brain Sciences

Kevin Carlsmith Prize

  • Nick Elacqua
  • Mary Gambill
  • Gretchen Mueller
  • Camryn Yeager


Phil R. Miller Prize

  • Pariya Chanthasensack
  • Nicole Roitman
  • Persephone Sween-Argyros


Psychological and Brain Ssciences Citizenship Award

  • Priya Martin


Sarah Kulkofsky Award

  • Blake Hardin
  • Caitlin Mooney



M. Holmes Hartshorne Memorial Award for Excellence in Religion

  • Will Rosenblatt

M. Holmes Hartshorne Memorial Award for Excellence For Postgraduate Study in Religion

  • K2 Dickens


Robinson Essay Prize

  • Rylee Wicker â€™25


Romance Languages and Literatures

Award for Excellence in French Studies

  • William Crounse


Award for Excellence in Italian Studies

  • Clay VanOstrand


Award for Excellence in Spanish Studies

  • Matt Copeland
  • Kimaya Shahi


Charles A. Choquette Memorial Prize

  • Brenna McConnell
  • Sarah Jane Stenovec


David B. Jutten Prize

  • Jadan Hand
  • Stuart Sopko

Russian and Eurasian Studies

Albert Parry Prize

  • Sophie Karbstein â€™26


Robert L. Murray Award in Russian and Eurasian Studies

  • Alec Bresler


Sociology and Anthropology

Award for Excellence in Anthropology

  • Tommy Nicholas


Award for Excellence in Sociology

  • Joudenie Germain


Ramshaw Service Award

  • Caitlin Mooney
  • Lara Shqair



Howard W. and Anne T. Pike Memorial Prize – Dance

  • Elisabeth Hartke


Howard W. and Anne T. Pike Memorial Prize – Junior

  • Kate McClellan â€™25


Howard W. and Anne T. Pike Memorial Prize – Senior

  • Molly Lambert


Howard W. and Anne T. Pike Memorial Prize – Technical Theater

  • Emilia Colabello â€™27

Howard W. and Anne T. Pike Memorial Prize – Theater Essay

  • Dylan Shi


Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Combahee River Collective Feminist Praxis Award

  • Noha Shahba


Women’s Studies Award for Academic Excellence

  • R Hunsicker


Writing and Rhetoric

Joseph ’63 and Carol Trimmer Award for Excellence in First-Year Writing

  • Isabelle Lawson â€™27


Joseph ’63 and Carol Trimmer Award for Excellence in Rhetorical Nature

  • Bobby Patch â€™26
  • Ta'Von Amir Walker â€™25


Trimmer Senior Scholar Award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing and Rhetoric

  • Gwyneth Farr
  • Mariama Lemon

*Recipients are Class of 2024 unless otherwise noted.

Colgate Alumni Corporation 1819 Award

  • Jon Eaton


Phi Eta Sigma Professor of the Year

  • Elodie Fourquet


Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Award

  • Elannah De La O
  • Raquel Marquez-Gerrero
  • Tiasia McMillan


Bruce Selleck ’71 Award for Upstate Institute N.Y. Engagement

  • Ray Zhang


Class of 1997 Award

  • Jackson Fox
  • Yiduo He
  • R Hunsicker


George W. Cobb Awards                

  • Clementina Aboagye ’25
  • Fredy Alvarado-Retana ’25
  • Mikayla Cairns ’25
  • Yeraldi Delos Santos ’25
  • Averill McCorkle ’25
  • Elsa O'Brien ’25
  • Boen Beavers ’26
  • Oscar Brown ’26
  • Langh Guite ’26
  • Harshitha Talasila ’26
  • Marie York ’26
  • Dani Aarav ’27
  • Ellie Black ’27
  • Jaden Coley ’27
  • Maggie McCarthy ’27


Dean’s Community Service Award

  • Will Vagianelis


Dr. Leo H. Speno Award

  • Carson Hobler
  • Hayley Lenhard
  • Caroline Palermo
  • Marissa Realmuto


Golden Fellows

Class of 2024

  • Ella Corbett
  • Joudenie Germain
  • Benjamin Godbout
  • Eric Goodney
  • Michael Hanratty
  • Gahae (Natalia) Kim
  • Labib Mamun
  • Archie Rook
  • Alexander Schade
  • Elina Sen-Ghosh
  • Lara Shqair


Class of 2025

  • Clementina Aboagye
  • Hadeel Al Qoronz
  • Andrew Audas
  • Gwen Eichfeld
  • Camille Goodhart
  • Joshua Israel
  • Elizabeth Joffrey
  • Jenna Lacy
  • Cynthia Ortiz-Naranjo
  • Ankita Suri
  • Taylor Tobias
  • Brianna Wright


Class of 2026

  • Olwethu Ezell
  • Alta McQuillen
  • Ingrid Vorbrich


Interfaith Leadership Excellence Award

  • Fernando Cuellar Rivas
  • Camden Di Carlo
  • Mohamed Esmail


Jewish Student Life Award

  • Alisha Greenstein


Lewis Orator Prize

  • Brenna McConnell, 1st place
  • Andrew Ludwin ’27, 2nd place
  • Brianna Wright ’25, 3rd place

Voice of Conscience Award

  • Nikoloz Bujiashvili
  • R Hunsicker
  • Che Ku Kyet
  • Labib Mamun
  • Valeria Morales Ciriaco
  • Noha Shahba