
Thomas (Tom) Tucker

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Thomas (Tom) Tucker

Charles G. Hetherington Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

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BA, Harvard College, 1967; PhD, Dartmouth College, 1971

Dartmouth College, 1978-79; Princeton University, 1971-73

Topology, group theory, combinatorics

Topological graph theory, genus of a group, symmetric maps, distinguishing number, permutation groups, 3-manifolds

  • Co-author with J. L. Gross, Topological Graph Theory (Wiley, 1987; Dover paperback 2001)
  • Co-author (with many others) of texts of the NSF-supported Harvard Calculus Consortium: Calculus (Wiley, 1994; 5th edition 2009) and Multivariable Calculus (Wiley, 1996; 5th edition 2009)
  • Co-editor with J.L. Gross, L. Beinecke, R. Wilson, Topics in Topological Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2009; includes chapters "Symmetric Maps" (with J, Siran), "The Genus of a Group," and "A Programmatic Overview" (with J.L. Gross)
  • Over 65 papers in 30 journals including Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Annals of Mathematics, Oxford Quarterly Journal, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Topology, Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Some recent examples:

  • With R. B. Richter, J Siran, R. Jajcay, M Watkins, "Cayley maps,"  J. Combinatorial Th. (B)  95 (2005), 189-245.
  • With M. Conder, J Siran, "The genera, reflexibility, and simplicity of regular maps", J. European Math. Soc. 12 (2010), 343-364.
  • Distinguishing maps II: the general case,  Electronic J. Combinatorics, 20 (2013), P50
  • With M. Conder,  "The classification of regular Cayley maps for cyclic groups," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), No. 7, 3585-3609.
  • "Two notes on surface symmetry", in Rigidity and Symmetry (eds Connelly, Ivic, Weiss, Whiteley), Fields Institute Communications, vol 70, 345-356, Springer, 2014
  •  With W. Imrich, S. M.  Smith, M. Watkins, "Infinite motion and 2-distinguishability of graphs and groups",  J. Algebraic Combinatorics, 41 (2015), 109-122.
  • With J.L.  Gross and T. Mansour, "Log-concavity of combinations of sequences and applications to genus distributions",  SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 29 (2015), 1002-1029.
  • With U. Leopold,  "Euclidean symmetry of closed surfaces immersed in 3-space", Topology and Its Applications, to appear 2016.
  • With M. Conder and R. Jajcay, "Cyclic complements and skew morphisms of groups",  J Algebra, to appear 2016.
  • New York State Department of Education (Math Standards Committee), 2004-2006
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Project "Go Figure This"), 1999-2001
  • Institute for Defense Analyses/Communications Research Division 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1984, 1985 (consultant)
  • Educational Testing Service, 1973-1996 (consultant)
  • State of New York (BOCES Telelearning Project), 1985-86
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress, 1988-1995 (advisory committee)
  • Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, 1996-97
  • First Vice President of the Mathematical Association of America 1990-92, as well as member or chair of numerous MAA committees
  • NSF curriculum grants in calculus, 1988-90, 1989-93, 1993-96
  • NSF research grants in low-dimensional topology, 1976-77, 1980-82, 1986-88
  • Member, College Board Advanced Placement Calculus Committee, 1979-87, 1993-95, (chair 1983-87) and Mathematical Sciences Advisory Committee, 1986-90
  • President of the Calculus Consortium for Higher Education, 1999-2005
  • Colgate Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award, 2009
  • Simons Foundation Collaboration Award 2015-2020