
Constance (Connie) Soja

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Constance (Connie) Soja

Professor of Geology, Emerita

Department/Office Information

Earth and Environmental Geoscience
  • BA, Denison University, 1977
  • PhD, University of Oregon, 1985
  • Smith College
  • University of Oregon
  • Seminar on Reefs
  • Tropical Field Course on Modern and Pleistocene Reefs
  • Tectonics and Earth History
  • U.S. Geological Survey
  • U.S. Forest Service
  • Colgate Presidential Scholar; University Professor
  • Phi Eta Sigma Professor of the Year
  • Several NSF grants, Colgate Picker Fellowships, National Academy of Science grant, Pew grants, GSA research grants; numerous other awards and grants

Past President and Trustee, Paleontological Research Institution (Ithaca, NY)

  • (*indicates student author)

    Soja, C.M., and White, B.  2016.  Lacustrine deposits in the Karheen Formation fortify links between Alaska鈥檚 Alexander terrane and the Old Red Sandstone continent in the Late Silurian-Early Devonian.  Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 86:564-586.

    Antoshkina, A.I., and Soja, C.M.  2016.  Using fossil 鈥渇ingerprints鈥 to circumscribe the paleogeography of two Alaskan terranes along the Uralian Seaway in the Late Silurian.  Vestnik, no. 2:14-23. 

    Soja, C.M.  2014.  A field-based biomimicry exercise helps students discover connections between biodiversity, form-and-function, and species conservation during Earth鈥檚 Sixth  Extinction.  Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 62:679-690.

    Soja, C.M.  2014.  The last good buy:  Evolution in the new age of extinction.  The Colgate Scene, v. 43 (3):26-31.  http://news.colgate.edu/scene/2014/04/the-last-good-buy.html

    Soja, C.M., and Antoshkina, A.I.  2013.  The Alexander terrane of the North American Cordillera: A critical analysis of Silurian-Devonian paleogeography.  Lithosphere, no. 4:3-21.  [in Russian]

    Soja, C.M. 2012. Reefs as the centralizing theme in an undergraduate paleontology course. Paleontological Society Special Paper: in press. 

    Pellegrini, A.F.A.,* Soja, C.M., and Minjin, C. 2012. Post-tectonic limitations on Early Devonian (Emsian) reef development in the Gobi-Altai region, Mongolia. Lethaia, v. 45:46-61. Click here to view pdf version

    Soja C.M. 2011. The last good buy: Birds in the new age of extinction. American Paleontologist, v. 19 (4):10-16. Click here to view pdf version

    Soja, C.M., Minjin, C., Myrow, P., and Over, D.J. 2010. Paleozoic paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Gobi-Altai terrane, Mongolia. In de Wet, A.P., and Heister, L. Keck Geology Consortium. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology:182-199.

    Soja, C.M. 2009. Keck-Mongolia Field Guidebook 2009. 119 p.

    Reitman, N.,* Gillikin, D.P., Chuluun, M., Myrow, P., Over, J. and Soja, C.M. 2010. Paleoecology and chemostratigraphy of the Amansair and Tsagaanbulag Formations, Gobi-Altai terrane, Shine Jinst, Mongolia. G.S.A. Abstracts with Programs: Vol. 42, No. 1, p. 136. 

    Amo, Z.,* Over, J., Minjin, C., Myrow, P. and Soja, C.M. 2010. Givetian (Middle Devonian) Opsiconidion (Phylum Brachiopoda, Class Inarticulata, Order Acrotretida) from the Govialtai Formation, Shine Jinst region, southern Mongolia. G.S.A. Abstracts with Programs: Vol. 42, No. 1, p. 65. 

    Soja, C.M. 2009. Darwin in 海角社区鈥檚 Geology, Core, and UK study abroad curricula. G.S.A. Abstracts with Programs, v. 41 (7):368.

    Soja, C.M. 2009. Applying terrane analysis in Alaska to unraveling the Paleozoic paleobiogeography of Mongolia. G.S.A. Abstracts with Programs, v. 41 (5):11.

    Author of "Unscrambling dinosaur eggs" (American Paleontologist, 2008) [cover story and feature article]

    Author of "Silurian-bearing terranes of Alaska" (in The Terrane Puzzle: New Perspectives on Paleontology and Stratigraphy from the North American Cordillera, 2008)

    Co-author of "Provenance, depositional setting, and tectonic implications of Silurian polymictic conglomerates in Alaska's Alexander terrane" with Colgate student (in The Terrane Puzzle: New Perspectives on Paleontology and Stratigraphy from the North American Cordillera, 2008)

    Author of "Silurian metazoan bioherms and biostromes, southeastern Alaska (Alexander terrane)" (in Facies from Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations, 2007)

    Co-author of "Silurian skeletal stromatolite reefs, southeastern Alaska (Alexander terrane) and Ural Mountains, Russia with Colgate student, A.I. Antoshkina and B. White (in Facies from Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations, 2007)

    Co-author of "Late Silurian reconstruction indicated by migration of reef biota between Alaska, the Urals, and Siberia (Salair)" with A.I. Antoshkina (Geologiska F枚reningens i Stockholm F枚rhandlingar, 2006)

    Author of "Fossil microbial reefs" (McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, 2005)

    Co-author of "Paleoecology of sponge-hydroid associations in Silurian microbial reefs" with four Colgate students, A.I. Antoshkina and B. White (Palaios, 2003)

    "Debating whether dinosaurs should be 'cloned' from ancient DNA to promote cooperative learning in an introductory evolution course" with D. Huerta (Journal of Geoscience Education, 2001)

    "Development and decline of a Silurian stromatolite reef complex, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska" with B. White, A.I. Antoshkina, and four Colgate students (Palaios, 2000)

    "Using an experiment in burial taphonomy to delve into the fossil record" (Journal of Geoscience Education, 1999)

    "Coeval development of Silurian stromatolite reefs in Alaska and the Ural Mountains: implications for paleogeography of the Alexander terrane" with A.I. Antoshkina (Geology, 1997)

    "Island-arc carbonates: characterization and recognition in the ancient geologic record" (Earth-Science Reviews, 1996)

    "Taphonomy and paleobiological implications of Middle Devonian (Eifelian) nautiloid concentrates, Alaska" with B. White and three Colgate students (Palaios, 1996)

    "Early Devonian paleomagnetic data from the Lower Devonian Karheen Formation suggest Laurentia-Baltica connection for the Alexander terrane" with D.R. Bazard, R.F. Butler, and G. Gehrels (Geology, 1995)

    "Significance of Silurian stromatolite-sphinctozoan reefs" (Geology, 1994)

    Numerous other articles and abstracts