Below are resources pertaining to general operating procedures for working with human research participants. Also included are several helpful templates, ranging from participant sign-up sheets to poster templates for research presentations.
Resources for Research Conducted with Human Participants
The Institutional Review Board oversees all research on campus involving human participants. Researchers should thoroughly review IRB guidelines and procedures. The IRB website also contains information about how to determine whether your research qualifies for exemption from IRB review, or whether it is classified as needing expedited review or full review. You will also find information regarding how to write and submit your proposal.
Visit the IRB siteThe Belmont Report provides insight into the ethical guidelines that must be followed in research projects.
Download the Belmont ReportThe investigator’s manual provides detailed guidance regarding the policies and procedures that govern Colgate’s IRB.
Download the manualThe following link has training resources for the research community on human research protections based on the Belmont report:
has a Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) subscription that includes access to training courses for researchers. Contact the Grants Office for more information.
Those who successfully complete the training will receive a Certificate of Completion, which must be shared with their research supervisor.
MAC Users
Take a screenshot of the certificate using Shift+Command+3. An image file will be saved to your desktop. Email that image file to your supervisor.
PC Users
Take a screenshot of the certificate by pressing the “Print Scrn” key, then open “Paint” (Start->All Programs->Accessories->Paint) and paste (Ctrl+v). Save the file in .jpg format to your desktop, then email the image file to your supervisor.
Guidelines for Recruiting Human Participants
These guidelines apply to all students recruiting participants from the PSYC 150 – Introduction to Psychology class.
Download guidelinesUse this template if you plan to recruit participants from PSYC 150 – Introduction to Psychology and plan to post your experiment on the experiment sign-up board.
The template is formatted as described in the guidelines for recruiting participants from the PSYC 150 subject pool. Add as many time-slot sheets as needed, but do not flood the sign-up board.
Download sign-up sheet templateInstructive guidelines regarding the proper format for pretesting surveys/questionnaires.
Download pretesting guidelinesGeneral Resources
Thirteen steps to graduating with honors or high honors
Suggested progress check points (from junior to senior year) for conducting honors/high honors research in psychological and brain sciences and neuroscience
Two software packages used by the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Tips for how to approach your research question.
Reserve space for your experiment.
Poster template
This blank poster has been formatted to the department’s standard print size. Use portrait orientation: 36" width x 42" height.
General guidance in APA formatting
Converting PowerPoint Poster Presentations to PDF for printing
Download the above file for detailed instructions on how to convert a PowerPoint (ppt) poster presentation to a pdf (MAC users only).
Lab Manager/Gap Year Job Search Resources
Links and resources for job-finding
Information about careers in Psychological Science
Apply for Research Funding
Students must be members of Psi Chi to apply
Colgate’s Center for Learning, Teaching and Research
Funds for student travel to present research at professional conferences and meetings
Psychology Department and the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Consult your advisor academic about requesting departmental or divisional support.