
Staff Affirmative Action Oversight Committee

The Staff Affirmative Action Oversight Committee monitors progress towards affirmative action goals in hiring and retaining non-academic administrators, professionals, and staff.

The committee shares responsibility with the Faculty Affirmative Action Oversight Committee for supporting and overseeing the production of the University’s annual Affirmative Action Report. When appropriate, the committee provides recommendations and suggestions for improved diversity, equity, and inclusion engagement, specifically in recruitment and retention practices.


  • Developed recommendations (submitted to Provost and HR) regarding the staff hiring process.
  • Reinstated EEO/AA oversight in the staff recruitment process.
  • Annual Affirmative Action Report (AAR) produced by EEO/AA and reviewed by committee and presented to divisions.
  • SAAOC developed guidelines around evaluating inclusion competence during a search and performance review.
  • Improved communication with the campus community on SAAOC efforts and the AAR — completed for 2018-2019 report.
  • Staff Recruitment Guidelines document developed in collaboration with Human Resources.
  • Reviewed applicant pools at each stage of search to ensure EEO/AA is being considered.
  • Reviewed and reported more effectively on the 5-year applicant pools.
  • Required search committee training for all hiring committees.


  • Kerra Hunter, Dean of the College, Chair
  • Christopher Wells, Administration
  • Rachel Amann-Burns, Provost and Dean of the Faculty
  • Jillian Cole, Advancement
  • Ahmad Khazaee, Provost and Dean of the Faculty
  • Rebecca Downing, University Communications
  • Andrew Fagon, Finance and Administration, Incoming Chair
  • Camryn Crocker, Athletics
  • Sarah Jones, Dean of the College
  • Ameer Riley, Finance and Administration
  • Linco Vergara, Finance and Administration
  • Gabriela Marrero, Admissions and Financial Aid


Ex Officio

  • Amari Simpson, Equity and Diversity
  • Renee Madison, Equity and Diversity

The Staff Affirmative Action Oversight Committee is appointed by the Provost, in consultation with the President, and consists of at least six administrators representing different segments of the University. The Executive Director for Equity, and Inclusion, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action shall be an ex officio member and secretary (nonvoting) of the Committee. The Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity shall be an ex officio member of the committee. Members will serve three-year terms. Recommendations of the committee are made to the Provost. At least one joint meeting with the Faculty Affirmative Action Oversight Committee should be scheduled annually.

The SAAOC was established and incorporated into the university's affirmative action work in 1989 as part of the faculty-led affirmative action efforts. While the committee experienced significant dormant periods since that time, it has been part of the º£½ÇÉçÇø Staff Handbook since 1989. After a multi-year effort, the SAAOC emerged from decades of dormancy late in 2016 with the approval of the President's Cabinet. Each member of President's Cabinet designated a SAAOC representative for their division. After adding individuals with significant hiring experience to the cabinet’s list, the Provost approved and appointed the committee members.

The Staff Affirmative Action Oversight Committee shares responsibility with the Faculty Affirmative Action Oversight Committee for supporting and overseeing the production of the University’s annual Affirmative Action Plan. The committee monitors progress towards affirmative action goals related to the hiring and retention of non-academic administrators, professionals, and staff. Members of the committee support the work of the Executive Director for Equity, and Inclusion, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. Committee members may serve as affirmative action advocates on search committees, and review and make recommendations about staff recruitment and retention, diversity training, and other efforts to create and maintain an inclusive campus environment for staff.

Since 2016, the committee put forth significant effort defining roles (co-chairs and committee members), engaging in professional development (e.g. EEO/AA compliance, understanding AA reports, university recruitment policies, implicit bias, etc.), meeting with relevant campus constituents (HR, FAAOC, Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity, President and Provost’s DEI Task Force, etc.), and reviewing university data. Most recently, the SAAOC submitted recommendations for the DEI Strategic Plan (after receiving full support and approval from President's Cabinet). After significant committee discussion, the committee agreed they would host at least one meeting (or if necessary a series of meetings) in each division to discuss: committee charge/work, the approved recommendations for the staff hiring process, and the federally required AA report.

Committee Chair and/or Co-Chair's Role
The chair or co-chairs play a strategic role in representing the charge and purpose of the Staff Affirmative Action Oversight Committee (SAAOC), leading the committee to fulfill its purpose.


Kerra Hunter