
The information provided on this page is intended to help educate our campus community about safety policies and practices. Please take some time to review and become familiar with this important and potentially life-saving information.

Remember, in all emergency situations, your personal safety is the first priority. Here are some simple things that you should do to increase your personal safety:

  • Log on to the  and click on the Colgate Alert link. Colgate Alert allows the university to send important safety information to students, faculty, and staff via mobile devices and email. Colgate Alert automatically utilizes the contact information listed in your portal account, so individual registration is not necessary. Please make sure you have entered your cell phone information in order to receive text alerts.
  • Take a few minutes now and record emergency contact information in your cell phone. When using an off-campus phone, Campus Safety can be reached at 315-228-7911.
  • When using a phone line on campus, Campus Safety can be reached by dialing 911 or extension 7911.
  • Keep the exterior doors to your room or residence locked at all times!
  • Be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious persons or activities.
  • Familiarize yourself with all evacuation routes in your residence hall as well as your classroom buildings and the assigned meeting areas for those buildings in the event of an evacuation.

Safety Preparedness Guide

If there is an immediate threat to self or others, physical injury, or a safety concern, call Campus Safety immediately at 315-228-7911.

Campus Safety: Urgent 315-228-7911
Campus Safety: Business 315-228-7333
Associate VP & Dean of Students: 315-228-7370
Counseling & Psychological Services: 315-228-7385
Residential Life: 315-228-7367
Environmental Health & Safety: 315-228-7994
Student Health Services: 315-228-7750

Colgate has a variety of modalities it can use in an emergency. These include:

  • Colgate Alert: allows º£½ÇÉçÇø to send time-sensitive emergency messages to students, faculty, and staff via email and any other contact information listed in your portal account. Registration is not necessary but you should enter cell phone information to receive text alerts. Log on to the Colgate portal (http://portal.colgate.edu) and click on the Colgate Alert link to make sure your contact information is up-to-date.
  • Cooper Outdoor Wide-Area Mass Notification System: speaker arrays are placed in designated areas across campus.
  • Informacast: sends alerts via the university telephone system.
  • Colgate webpage
  • Every Colgate classroom is equipped with a phone that can be used in the event of an emergency. Picking up that phone and dialing 911 will allow you to immediately contact Campus Safety. You may also reach Campus Safety by dialing extension 7333 or 7911.
  • Community Leaders each have a campus phone in his/her room. These phones can be used to contact Campus Safety in the event of an emergency.
  • All administrative offices at Colgate are equipped with at least one campus phone.

Emergency Operations Center
The Emergency Operations Center, a team of trained multi-disciplined officials from across campus, is responsible for coordinating Colgate’s emergency response. Within the EOC lives an EOC Executive group of senior-level staff who will advise and be directly involved in the decision-making process in collaboration with the EOC.

During an emergency, EOC members implement the strategy and planning of the response; initiate and maintain communication with the Colgate community; collaborate with field personnel and professional emergency response services; issue instructions to particular departments and units; and monitor progress throughout the course of an emergency.

The EOC Approach 
To manage incidents, the EOC utilizes the National Incident Management Incident Command Structure (NIMS ICS). The NIMS ICS structure is an all-hazards approach with an integrated organizational structure that supports a coordinated response with internal and external entities including police, fire and medical first responders. An emergency response is triggered when a situation occurs, whether natural or induced, that threatens the health, safety or reputation of the university and its students, faculty and staff


For the workplace, where you might be confined for several hours, the following supplies are suggested to have available:

  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered radio
  • Food: high-energy foods (granola bars, energy bars, etc.)
  • Water
  • Medications: if you use prescription medications, keep at least a small supply of these available


If you would like more information on Emergency Preparedness please check the .

The Senior Director of Communications and Media Relations will be the university’s spokesperson and will address all questions from the media. Please direct all questions from any media to Colgate’s communications office at 315-228-7417.

The following Information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provides guidance for how to respond to potentially life-threatening situations, including an armed intruder or active shooter.

  • An armed intruder could be an individual with a firearm, knife, vehicle, or other weapon capable of causing mass casualties in minutes.
  • An active shooter is defined as an individual engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.


Each situation is unique, evolves rapidly, typically lasts 10-15 minutes, and requires the trained response of law enforcement to stop the shooting. Individuals placed in these situations must also make decisions about how best to respond —trust your instincts, act quickly, and do not wait for others to validate your decision.

Recognizing Warning Signs 

Co-workers, friends, and family are often best positioned to recognize the warning signs in someone who may be on a path to violence. People who resort to violence are often driven by a combination of predispositions, personal or professional stressors, and assorted resentments. When you are able to better recognize and report behaviors,  you create an opportunity to prevent a potentially violent situation and/or get help for the person by reporting your observations.


Protect Yourself During an Active Shooting

During an active shooter event, you must be able to quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect yourself. 

At the onset, and depending on the situation and information confirmed by police and other authorities, you will receive guidance to either evacuate (leave at once) or shelter-in-place (stay inside/go inside). It is important to understand what these terms mean.

Evacuate (Run): Leave the indicated area at once 

  • Have an escape route in mind; move immediately, quietly and calmly
  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow
  • Don’t stop off or stay in the area in order to retrieve personal belongings
  • If a relocation site is indicated, and an escape path is clear, go and await further instruction 
  • Elevators should not be used; exit by way of accessible stairwells  
  • Keep your hands visible
  • Follow the instructions of any police officers
  • Do not attempt to move wounded people
  • Call 911 when you are safe

Shelter in Place (Hide): Stay inside or go inside

  • Stop what you are doing right away and look for the best, accessible space for sheltering; do not risk exposure by moving to another building 
  • Select interior room(s) with the fewest windows or vents; large storage closets, utility rooms, copy and conference rooms are favorable 
  • The room(s) should have adequate space for everyone; avoid overcrowding
  • Spread out — do not huddle together; this gives you more options and makes it more difficult for the shooter  
  • Silence cell phones and close, block and lock all windows and doors, where possible
  • Turn off lights and close shades/blinds/curtains, where possible  
  • Remain quiet and stay alert for updates until you are told all is safe, or you are told to evacuate; updates may change as the situation evolves

Fight: If evacuation and hiding out are not possible

  • Remain calm and dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen 
  • As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by: 
  • Acting as aggressively as possible (as an individual or as part of a group)
  • Throwing items
  • Striking with improvised weapons
  • Yelling and shouting aggressively
  • Committing to taking any and all actions in an attempt to stop the shooter 

What to Expect from Law Enforcement

The video below demonstrates how to develop a survival mindset while taking action to protect yourself and others, what to expect from law enforcement, and how to assist authorities once law enforcement enters the scene.

  • Police officers responding to an active shooter are trained to proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard; their purpose is to stop the shooting as quickly as possible
  • The first responding officers will normally be in teams
  • They may be dressed in regular patrol uniforms, or they may be wearing external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets and other  tactical equipment
  • The officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns or handguns and might also be using pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation 
  • Regardless of how they  appear, try to remain calm, do as the officers tell you, and do not be afraid of them
  • The first officers to arrive at the scene will not stop to help injured persons
  • Expect rescue teams composed of additional officers and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured persons. They may also call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing the wounded from the premises. 
  • Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Remember that you are part of an active crime/crime scene. 
  • Do not leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so

In the event you receive or overhear a bomb or other mass casualty threat contact Campus Safety immediately.

  • For security reasons it is best to, if possible, avoid using a cell phone or two-way radio when reporting the threat.
  • Do not activate any fire alarms. In the event the threat is received by phone, try to document any pertinent information you can gather from the call.
  • Follow all instructions that are given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.
  • If evacuation is required, do so calmly and move at least 600 feet away from the building and stay together so that an accurate count of building occupants can be made.

In the event that evacuation is needed due to a fire or other emergency:

  • Please remain calm.
  • Evacuate your building at the nearest exit.
  • Do not run or use elevators!
  • Once you have evacuated, please get at least 600 feet away from the building and stay together so that an accurate account of building occupants can be made.
  • If someone needs assistance leaving the building and you can do so safely, please assist this person out of the building and get at least 600 feet away from the building.
  • Please remain away from the building until you receive further instructions from Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.
  • Evacuation diagrams and/or maps are posted in all Colgate buildings.
  • Take immediate cover under tables, desks or other objects that will give you protection from falling glass and debris.
  • Do your best to remain calm and once it is safe to do so, evacuate the building and move at least 600 feet away and stay together so that an accurate account of building occupants can be made.
  • If others around you need assistance and you can safely do so, assist them in exiting the building.
  • Use caution when opening doors or exiting via the windows.
  • As soon as possible, contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911 and tell them as much information as possible including the location of the explosion, other locations in the building where injured people may be, and any injuries you have observed.
  • Please remain away from the building and follow all instructions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.

If the fire alarm sounds:

  • Remain calm, do not run, and immediately evacuate the building by the nearest exit.
  • If you observe smoke or a fire and the alarm is not sounding, leave the building immediately and while doing so attempt to find the nearest pull station and activate the fire alarm if it is safe to do so.
  • Close doors behind you if possible and safe to do so.
  • Shut down any hazardous operations quickly if it is safe to do so.
  • If it is not safe to use the nearest exit, go to the next closest available exit.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911 as soon as possible.
  • Evacuate the building via the nearest exit and stay together so that an accurate account of building occupants can be made.
  • If you can do so safely, assist any person(s) with disabilities with their evacuation as well.
  • If you know of anyone who may possibly be trapped inside the building provide their last known location to Campus Safety, the fire department or other authorized personnel.

In the event there is a hazardous material spill:

  • Remain calm.
  • Immediately leave the area if it is safe to do so and go to a safe area.
  • If you or another person needs medical assistance or to use the decontamination facilities in another building and it will not affect your safety, please do this first.
  • As soon as you or another person is able to, contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Provide as much information as possible including the identity of the hazardous material involved, the location, and how many people are affected.
  • Follow all the instructions that are given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.

If you see or hear of a possible hostage situation:

  • Immediately remove yourself from any danger.
  • Stay low below windows and behind cover if possible.
  • Remain calm and contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911 as soon as you can do so safely.
  • Be prepared to give as much information as possible to Campus Safety including:
    • your name and phone number
    • the location
    • number of possible hostages
    • number of possible hostage takers
    • physical descriptions of the hostage takers
    • any possible injuries
    • the types of weapons being used


If you are taken hostage:

  • Remain calm and cooperate with your captors.
  • Do not attempt to escape unless there is no danger in doing so.
  • If possible, call Campus Safety at 315-228-7911 and leave the line open.
  • Do not draw attention to yourself. Do what you are told to do. Do not speak unless spoken to and do not try to intimidate the captors.

If you come across or learn of an intruder or someone who is threatening the safety of individuals on campus, immediately contact Campus Safety as soon as you can do so safely. In addition:

  • Remove yourself from danger.
  • Do not approach the person.
  • Be prepared to give a full description of the individual, as well as his or her location.


Refer to Active Shooter or Armed Intruder on Campus section for more.


In the event of a medical emergency:

  • Remain calm and contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Do not move the injured/ill person. If it is safe to do so, comfort them and reassure them that help is on the way.
  • Do not touch the person if you are not certified in first aid and/or do not have personal protection gear if there is danger of coming into contact with bodily fluids.
  • If you are certified in first aid and it is safe to do so, provide care to the person to the extent you are capable.
  • Follow all directions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.

If there is a student, faculty, staff, or other person missing:

  • Immediately contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Be prepared to give your name and phone number and as much information as possible regarding the missing person including:
    • a physical description
    • where the person was last seen
    • what they were last wearing
    • what physical condition the person was in when last seen
    • if they were driving or has a vehicle and its description
    • who the person was with
    • and where you believe the person may be heading.
  • Be prepared to provide information on any medical or other special conditions that you know about.

If there is a power failure on campus:

  • Report it to Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Follow all instructions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.
  • If the power failure is expected to be of long duration, you will be informed of this once it is known.
  • You may be requested to assist in helping others to safely precede to assigned evacuation site/meeting areas if leaving campus is not possible.
  • Please assist in accurately accounting for members of the campus community by reporting any missing persons immediately to Campus Safety.

Safe zones are any lockable rooms on campus that can help to prevent access by a possible intruder. These areas may include offices, residence hall rooms, classrooms, locker rooms, and tunnel areas. If you are in these areas during a shelter-in-place status, stay in them until you receive further instructions from Campus Safety or other authorized personnel. If you are not inside a safe area when an emergency arises, you should move to one as quickly as you can safely do so.

In the event of severe weather:

  • The National Weather Service, as well as New York Alert, issues warnings or advisories.
  • Weather alerts can include but are not limited to ice storms, snow storms or thunderstorms.
  • If you hear of a weather alert, please follow its instructions.
  • If possible, stay inside your building, away from windows and other areas with glass.
  • Do not use your cell phone or any type of portable phone during a thunderstorm.
  • If you are outside, immediately go into a building to avoid possible falling tree limbs and other debris.
  • Stay inside your building until the weather event has passed.
  • If you receive an alert from the Rave Alert system follow any instructions provided or await further instructions from Campus Safety or other authorized personnel.


Natural Disasters: Report any natural disasters to Campus Safety at 315-228-7911. Follow all instructions given to you by Campus Safety. If others need assistance getting to the safer areas and you can do so safely, please assist them. Do not leave the safe area until you are instructed to do so by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.

Floods: Remain calm and immediately get to a safe area that is above the flooding. If outside, seek higher ground. If inside a building, go to the upper levels.

Tornado/Hurricane: Remain calm and immediately take cover in the lower section of a building including basements, tunnels, and lower covered stairwells.

In the event that an emergency situation requires Campus Safety to issue a shelter-in-place alert message, the following guidelines are aimed at keeping you safe while remaining indoors:

  • Stop classes or work, or close business operations.
  • If there are students, faculty, staff, or visitors in the building, provide for their safety by asking them to stay and not leave.
  • When University authorities suggest to shelter-in-place; everyone should take those steps immediately where they are, and not drive or walk outdoors.
  • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any other openings to the outside.
  • If you are told there is danger of explosion, close the window shades, blinds, or curtains.
  • Select interior room(s) above the ground floor, with the fewest windows or vents.
  • The room(s) should have adequate space for everyone to be able to sit in.
  • Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary. Large storage closets, utility rooms, copy, and conference rooms without exterior windows will work well.
  • Avoid selecting a room with mechanical equipment like ventilation blowers or pipes.
  • It is ideal to have a hard-wired telephone in the room(s) you select. Have the phone available if you need to report a life-threatening condition. Cellular telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency.
  • Bring everyone into the room(s). Shut and lock the door(s).
  • Be vigilant for Rave Alert updates until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate. These updates may call for evacuation of specific areas.


In the event of a shelter-in-place status, you should go to a safe zone as described above. Please try to:

  • Remain calm,
  • Lock any doors,
  • Close and lock any windows and shut blinds.


If you can do so safely:

  • Inform others in your area of the shelter-in-place status.
  • If someone needs assistance, help get the person to an area where he/she can shelter-in-place safely.
  • If you are in an area with a door that does not lock; use all available items including desks, dressers, tables, chairs, etc. to keep the door(s) secure.
  • Stay low on the floor and away from windows and doors.
  • Stay under desks if possible.
  • Do not leave the area until you are told to do so by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.

In the event a person expresses suicidal thoughts or attempts suicide:

  • Do not leave the person alone if you can remain with them safely.
  • If weapons are present, leave the area immediately.
  • Contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Remain calm.
  • Do not touch any weapons or other items that the person may consider using, or has used, to ensure your personal safety.
  • Advise Campus Safety of all possible weapons or other items if you can do so safely.
  • Show support to the person without being judgmental.
  • Follow all directions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.


If there is a possible suicide:

  • Do not touch anything in the area.
  • Immediately call Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Remain calm.
  • Be prepared to give all information possible to Campus Safety including your name, phone number, location, name of victim if known, and any other pertinent information.

If you discover a suspicious package or substance:

  • Do not touch the item.
  • Do not use a cell phone near the area.
  • Remain calm and immediately leave the area, and warn others of the possible danger.
  • Once you can safely do so, contact Campus Safety and advise them of the situation. Be sure and provide any information you can recall regarding the location of the item, size, description, etc.
  • Follow all instructions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.
  • If physical contact is made with the package or substance, wash all affected areas of the body as soon as possible.

If you observe a weapon on campus:

  • You should remain calm and immediately contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911.
  • Do not touch the weapon
  • If the situation warrants, remove yourself from the area in which the weapon is located.
  • Advise Campus Safety of your exact location and a description of the weapon. Follow all instructions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.

If you observe a person(s) with a weapon on campus:

  • Do not approach the person(s) with the weapon.
  • Remain calm and contact Campus Safety at 315-228-7911 as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Provide all available information to Campus Safety including your name, phone number, and a description of yourself, a description of the person with the weapon, the types of weapon (if you know), and the number of weapons you have observed as well as any other information that could be pertinent.
  • Follow all instructions given to you by Campus Safety and/or other authorized personnel.