
Private Events with Alcohol

For the purposes of this process, 鈥渟mall private events鈥 are organized functions held in the common areas of a residence hall, fraternity or sorority, apartment or townhouse where alcohol is served to of-age residents of that residential unit and their guest(s), with a minimum of twenty-five (25) but not to exceed sixty-five (65) attendees. The attendance of the event must not exceed the maximum permitted occupancy of the event space, as determined by the university.

Private Event Policies

  • Students who wish to host small private events with alcohol must be at least 21 years of age and reside in the space in which the event will be held. All small private events must be registered with and approved by a Dean of the College staff member at least 72 hours prior to the event. Events must be conducted in a manner consistent with that stated in the registration request and approval. 
  • Small private events are by personal invitation only. When choosing how many students to invite, a host should be mindful of the number of students permitted to be present in the event space at one time, as determined by the university. Advertising/publicizing of private events is prohibited. The use of social media is only permitted in the context of private and directed invitations. (e.g. private messages on Facebook, direct message on Twitter). 
  • Host(s) of small private events must be present for the entire event, monitor the event, and make sure there is no underage or unsafe drinking, or other violations of Colgate policy (including without limitation these requirements). Proper verification of age is required at small private events. Acceptable identification for age verification of Colgate students is a valid state or government ID accompanied by a Colgate university ID. Failure to have both of these pieces of identification must result in a request for additional forms of ID, and failure to produce such additional ID must result in the denial of alcohol service. Guests who are not Colgate students must show at least two forms of ID, one of which must be a valid state or government ID. 
  • A reasonable amount of water, non-alcoholic beverages, and food must be provided for the duration of any small private event at which alcohol will be available. Water and non-alcoholic beverages must be as visible and accessible as the alcoholic beverages that are being served. A reasonable amount of food also must be provided and readily accessible. Alcohol may not be served at an event until water, non-alcoholic beverages, and food are also available; alcohol may not be served if the water, non-alcoholic beverages, or food become unavailable.
  • The amount of alcohol present must be scaled for reasonable levels of consumption by the reasonably anticipated number of attendees of legal drinking age. 
  • Wine, beer and other malt beverages may be served. Hard alcohol is prohibited. Most transports to the hospital for alcohol overdose are linked to consumption of hard alcohol. 
  • A university official may check-in at the beginning of and/or during each small private event to meet with the social host(s) and see if the event is set up and/or being conducted properly (e.g., ID checking process is identified, non-alcoholic beverages and food are available). The university official may check-in during the event, and if any concerns/issues are noted (e.g. excessive noise or a safety concern) the official will make every effort to contact the host(s) to ensure the concern/issue is resolved. 
  • If a university official has concerns that a small private event is not being conducted in accordance with these requirements, the official will have the right to either allow the host to remedy the situation or shut down the event. 
  • Activities that promote high-risk drinking, such as excessive and/or rapid consumption of alcohol, including without limitation drinking games or other consumption of a competitive nature, are not permitted. Drinking may not be the central activity of any event.