
ITS has staff and resources available to assist with the technical needs of most on-campus events

  • Requests for AV support for campus events shall be submitted to ITS directly through the ITS Service Desk (itshelp@colgate.edu or 315-228-7111). 
  • Requests for AV support for campus events shall be submitted at least 14 business days in advance of the event. 
  • Requests for AV support for seminal campus events, conferences, webinars, and large-scale events shall be submitted at least 30 business days in advance of the event.

Available Services

Not sure what you need for an event? Request a consultation. We provide 1-1 and group consultations regarding the use and selection of appropriate AV equipment. Before reserving a space, we are happy to provide a consultation to determine what capabilities you need.  

Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites: Requests should be placed as soon as details are fully understood. We require 14 business days for most requests and 30 days or more for large events, live streams, and seminal campus events.

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk with sufficient time to best assist with your consultation needs. 

Please be prepared to provide the following information: 

* Required

Event Details 

  • Event title*
  • Primary Contact*
  • Event date*
  • Event location (Please provide the building and room number. Example: Ho 101, Persson 27, Lawrence 105)
  • Event start time
  • Event end time
  • Type of event: Meeting, panel discussion, colloquium/guest speaker, banquet, other 
  • Department or organization


  • Room reservation details: 
    • What time is the room reserved? 
    • What time can we start to set up? What hours are available for set up time?
    • When would you like to do a tech check?
    • What time does set up need to be completed?
      • Tip: We require a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time.
        • For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)


Presentation Needs

  • Number of guest speakers/presenters*
  • How many presentations? *
  • What format of presentation?* (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, Video, other)
  • Will your event have a hybrid component?
  • Video Recording: Do you need this event to be video recorded? If Yes, you must ensure all guest speakers have completed the
    • What do you need to do with the recording? Share to Panopto for Class? Post to a department website? Share internally Google Drive?
    • Do you need a quick turnaround? Is this for a class? Please let us know.  Note:  Post Production can take 2-3 business days depending on the time of year.


ITS Staff can assist with the AV components of gallery installations in select locations.

Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites:  Advance notice of at least 14 business days is required. More time may be required for complex installations. 

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk for more information about this service.

Please be prepared to provide the following information: 

* Required 

  • Event Title*
  • Primary Contact*
  • Event Description*
  • Date and Time of event*
  • Event Location*
  • Exhibit Installation Deadline * (Date exhibit needs to be installed by )
  • Exhibit Conclusion 
  • Artist Details and Relevant Information 


  • Room reservation details: 
    • When is the room available? 
    • What time can we start to set up? What hours are available for set up time?
    • When would you like to do a tech check?



ITS provides technical support for film screenings hosted in Little 105, Golden Auditorium. These are film projection requests for 35mm or 16mm film, DCP,  and or complex mixed media film screenings.

Availability: Faculty

Prerequisites: Advance notice of at least 14 business days is required. If you are screening 35mm or 16mm,  more advance notice is required for testing and inspecting the film.

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk to request support for your film screening.

Please be prepared to provide the following information: 

  • Event Title*
  • Film title(s)* 
  • Length of each film*
  • How many Films? *1 movie or a series of short films
  • Film format: *(DVD, Digital File, YouTube, Vimeo, 35mm, 16mm, DCP, other)
  • Do you have a public performance license?*
  • Who has the films?


Testing Films

  • Can you send them ahead of time to test the films?
    • We require the film(s) at least 2-3 days in advance for proper testing.  
  • U.S. copyright law permits the circulation of videos to individual library patrons for any type of use, academic or non-academic. It also allows for the public showing of videos to certain groups within the University for course-related purposes. Issues of copyright compliance are sometimes important in determining how videos can be disseminated or networked within the University. 
  • The library can assist patrons in identifying the dissemination methods most likely to comply with copyright law. 
  • For more information see the  º£½ÇÉçÇø Libraries Collection Development Policy for Video/DVD


  • Room reservation details: 
    • What time is the room reserved? 
    • What time can we start to set up?
    • Please specify the hours that the space is available for set-up time.
    • When would you like to do a tech check?
  • Tip: We require a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time. For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)


Hosting a large event on campus with complex tech needs. ( Events with 100 attendees or more) ITS Provides coordination and technical support for large events across locations on the Colgate campus. 

Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites: Advance notice of at least 30 business days is required.

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk for more information about this service.  

Please be prepared to provide the following information: 

* Required

Event Details 

  • Event Title *
  • Event location * Please provide the building and room number. Example: Ho 101, Chapel,  Bryan Complex |  Edge Cafe, Olin 350 | Love Auditorium,  Lawrence 105,  etc.
  • Event date(s)*
  • Department or organization
  • Event start time* 
  • Event end time*
  • Type of event: Meeting, Panel Discussion, Colloquium/Guest Speaker, Banquet, other  *
  • Attendance: The number of anticipated attendees. *
  • Room reservation details:  What time is the room reserved?  TIP: You should plan for a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time. For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)


Presentation needs 

  • Number of guest speakers/presenters*
  • How many presentations? *
  • What format of presentation?*  (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, Video, other)
  • Will the presentation have sound/video?
  • Will your event have a hybrid component?*
  • Will the guest speaker bring their own device?
  • Can we get the presentation shared ahead of time to test?
  • When would you like to do a tech check?
  • For large events, we require a sound check before the event a minimum of 1 hour before the "doors open"


Video Recording

  • Video Recording: Do you need this event to be video recorded? 
  • If Yes,
    • Provide names of guest speakers
    • Make sure all guest speakers have completed the
      • ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹What do you need to do with the recording? Share to Panopto for Class? Post to a department website? Share internally Google Drive?
      • Do you need a quick turnaround? Is this for a class? Please let us know.  Note:  Post Production can take 2-3 business days depending on the time of year.

IT staff are available to stream high-profile events at the University. Significant coordination is required for these events.

Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites: Advance notice of at least 14 business days is required.

Requesting this Service:  When requesting live streaming of an event, please also notify the Office of University Communications about the event as well. Speakers and presenters must agree to the conditions of the and complete the form in advance of recording. 

Please be prepared to provide the following information: (* Required)

  • Date of your event*
  • Title of your event*
  • Event start time*
  • Event end Time *
  • Event Description*
  • Event Poster* Required image to be landscape orientation ( 16:9 aspect ratio) Please use .jpeg or .png files at a max size of 10MB. The suggested size is 640x360 pixels.  


  • Room reservation details: 
    • What time is the room reserved? 
    • What time can we start to set up?
      • Please specify the hours that the space is available for set-up time.
    • When would you like to do a tech check?
  • Tip: We require a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time. For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)

ITS Staff can assist with presentation materials in learning and event spaces across campus. 

Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites: Advance notice of at least 14 business days is required.

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk for more information about this service.  

Please be prepared to provide the following information: (* Required)

Event Details

  • Event Title*
  • Date of your event*
  • Event location *
  • Event start time*
  • Event end Time *
  • Department or organization


Contact Information 

  • On-Site contact: *


Room reservation details: 

  • What time is the room reserved? 
  • What Time can we start to set up?
    • Please specify the hours that the space is available for set-up time.
  • When would you like to do a tech check?
  • Tip: We require a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time. For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)


Presentation Support 

  • Number of guest speakers*
  • How many presentations?*
  • Presentation Materials. What will they be presenting?* (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, Video, other)
  • Will you have a hybrid component?*
  • Will the presentation(s) have sound/video?*
  • Will the guest speaker bring their own device?
  • Can we get the presentation shared ahead of time to test?


Video Recording

  • Do you need this event video recorded? 
  • If Yes, you will need to make sure each guest speaker completes the
    • What do you need to do with the recording? Share to Panopto for Class? Post to a department website? Share internally Google Drive?
    • Do you need a quick turnaround? Is this for a class? Please let us know.  Note:  Post Production can take 2-3 business days depending on the time of year.

ITS can assist with live sound support for special events that mix multiple microphones and sources, including the setup and removal of equipment. Note that some locations on campus already provide significant sound mixing capabilities. Significant coordination is required for these events, so please submit requests with as much notice as possible.

Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites: 14 days advance notice is required to request this service. A work order with the Facilities Department may be required for the movement of equipment (including podiums) and for installations. The cost of such work orders is the responsibility of the requestor. Learn more about submitting facilities work orders.

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk for more information about this service.  

Please be prepared to provide the following information: (* Required)

  • Date of your event *
  • Title of your event *
  • Event Start time *
  • Event end time *
  • Event Location * 
  • Is this event outdoors?
  • What time do you have the space reserved for? * 
  • Projected audience size/attendees? * 
    • Type of event: Department meeting, Panel discussion, Guest speaker/colloquium, Banquet/Dinner/Reception, Other *
    • Do you have planned remarks? *
    • If yes, please provide the number of people speaking *
    • If there are multiple people giving remarks, please plan to provide a program or an order of who will be speaking *
    • Do you need background music? If yes please provide a specific genre or playlist.  *


Room reservation details: 

  • What time is the room/space reserved? 
  • What time can we start to set up?
    • Please specify the hours that the space is available for set-up time.
  • When would you like to do a tech check?
  • We require a sound check before the event a minimum of 30 minutes before the "doors open"
  • Tip: We require a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time. For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)

IT professional or student staff are available to capture a video/audio recording of most University events.

Availability: Faculty

Prerequisites: Advance notice of at least 14 days is required. Guests will be required to sign a waiver providing the University with permission to record and retain the recording indefinitely. Speakers and presenters must agree to the conditions of the and complete the form in advance of recording.

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk for more information about this service.  

Please be prepared to provide the following information: (* Required)

Event Details

  • Event Title*
  • Date of your event*
  • Event location
  • Event start time*
  • Event end time *
  • Department or organization


Recording Details

  • Do you have a program to share? Ideally would be speaking order or format of your event
  • Will you have an intermission?
  • What do you need to do with the recording? Share to Panopto for Class? Post to a department website? Share internally Google Drive?
  • Do you need a quick turnaround? Is this for a class? Please let us know.  Note:  Post Production can take 2-3 business days depending on the time of year.

ITS can assist with the setup of web-based conferencing for small groups, including audio/video communication and screen-sharing functionality. The ITS Service Desk will provide:

  • A Zoom link to share with conference participants.
  • Assistance with the setup of a webcam and USB microphone in a classroom or event space, if needed.


Availability: Faculty and Staff

Prerequisites: Advance notice of at least 14 days is required. 

Requesting this Service: Please contact the ITS Service Desk for more information about this service.  

Please be prepared to provide the following information: (* Required)

Event Details

  • Event Title*
  • Date of your event*
  • Event location*
  • Event start time*
  • Event end time *
  • Department or organization


  • Room reservation details: 
    • What time is the room reserved? 
    • What Time can we start to set up?
  • Tip: We require a minimum of 30-minute buffer before and after events such as lectures and colloquium for breakdown and set up time. For larger events with more setup required, plan for at least a 2-hour buffer before and after your event. You also need to keep other vendors  required time when working with other campus partners (Facilities, Custodial, Chartwells & Catering,  Building & Grounds, outside vendors, etc)


Video Details

  • What type of video conference platform?
  • Is the guest speaker remote or in-person?
  • Will you have remote attendees, a remote guest speaker, or both? 
  • Do you need the remote person to see in-person attendees?


Video Recording

  • Do you need this Zoom event to be recorded? 
    • Do you need the gallery view or the speaker view?
  • Speakers and presenters must agree to the conditions of the and complete the form in advance of recording.


Video Conferencing Options

  • Something to think about. Do you need a Zoom Webinar Vs Zoom Meeting? 

Related Services & Resources

Looking for information on:

Ask for Help

If you are unable to find the information you need in the documentation available online, the ITS Service Desk is available to assist.